Monday, June 28, 2021

" ... any matter that is likely to expose a person or persons to hatred ..."

 (This bit of absurdity)

Below are some of the most offensive things every uttered.

Viewer discretion is advised:

"Slavery is the next best thing to hell." (Harriet Tub to Benjamin Drew, 1855)


"O God! Thou art more friend to me than I am to myself." (Abdul Baha, Bahai prayer)


"If all mankind minus one were of one opinion, and only one person were of the contrary opinion, mankind would be no more justified in silencing that one person than he, if he had the power, would be justified in silencing mankind." (John Stuart Mill, Chapter II, On Liberty)


"And it seems to me, as to them, and I think it will so appear to the people of this country that, if we wish to be a great people; if we wish to form . . . a great nationality, commanding the respect of the world, ..." (Sir John A. Macdonald, meeting on Confederation, October 10th, 1865)

"Do not be afraid." (Saint John Paul II, October 22nd, 1978)


"I believe in God, the Father Almighty ..." (the Apostles Creed)


"LIBERTY" (written on a sign in Tienanmen Square, 1989)

All of these things are offensive. All of these things "trigger" people. All of these things cause or caused offense.

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