Tuesday, March 22, 2022

And the Rest of It


No survivors have been found as the search continued Tuesday of the scattered wreckage of a China Eastern plane carrying 132 people that crashed a day earlier in a forested mountainous area in China’s worst air disaster in a decade.

“Wreckage of the plane was found at the scene, but up until now, none of those aboard the plane with whom contact was lost have been found,” state broadcaster CCTV said Tuesday morning, more than 18 hours after the crash.

The Boeing 737-800 crashed near the city of Wuzhou in the Guangxi region while flying from Kunming in the southwestern province of Yunnan to the industrial center of Guangzhou along the east coast. It ignited a fire big enough to be seen on NASA satellite images.

China Eastern Flight 5735 was traveling 455 knots (523 mph, 842 kph) at around 29,000 feet when it entered a steep and fast dive around 2:20 p.m. local time, according to data from flight-tracking website FlightRadar24.com. The plane plunged to 7,400 feet before briefly regaining about 1,200 feel in altitude, then dove again. The plane stopped transmitting data 96 seconds after starting to fall.



To be fair, if I was being peppered with shrapnel, the last thing that I would want is a jab that could kill me:

Only about a third of Ukrainians have been vaccinated against Corona, in part with vaccines that are unapproved in the EU. The low vaccination rate could cause problems in the refugee centres. The city of Nürnberg, for example, has set up three gymnasiums to accommodate 600 people, where many must share a small space. …

Anyone who wants to can receive a vaccination a few hundred metres away ... free of charge for Ukrainian refugees.

“Unfortunately, we’re finding that the refugees aren’t exactly snatching the vaccines out of our hands,” says Nürnberg Mayor Marcus König.

“Many new arrivals are very worried about ‘forced vaccinations’,” adds Thomas Jung, Mayor of Fürth. He says you have to approach the topic with sensitivity. …


Also - who do you think you are? Trudeau?:

Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky announced a measure that bans 11 opposition political parties, alleging they have ties to Russia, he announced in a Telegram video posted on March 20.

“Any activity of politicians aimed at splitting or collaborating will not succeed,” he said.


And - saucer of milk for the Kremlin:

In a blistering social media post, former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, now a top Kremlin security adviser, lashed out at Poland for its support of Ukraine, reviving and escalating decades-long tensions between Moscow and Warsaw.

Poland’s surprisingly spirited defense of Ukraine would prove “expensive and pointless,” Medvedev predicted, ominously adding that he was confident that Warsaw would “make the right choice” and embrace Russia again.



Hidden from view:

The corpses of Russian soldiers killed in Ukraine are being moved from Belarus back to Russia by train and planes in the dead of night to avoid attracting attention, it has emerged.

Video posted by Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty shows military ambulances driving through the Belarusian city of Homel in early March, with employees at the region’s clinical hospital claiming more than 2,500 bodies have already been shipped back to Russia as of March 13.

Ukraine’s military says that more than 14,000 Kremlin troops have been killed since the Russian invasion on February 24, while one US intelligence estimate has put the number at around 7,000. Moscow’s Defence Ministry says that less than 500 soldiers have been killed.

Now Belarusian medical staff in Homel, in southeastern Belarus, have described ‘overflowing’ morgues, with one resident of the city Mazyr claiming: ‘Passengers at the Mazyr train station were shocked by the number of corpses being loaded on the train. After people started shooting video, the military caught them and ordered them to remove it.’

A doctor at Mazyr’s main city hospital warned: ‘There are not enough surgeons. Earlier, the corpses were transported by ambulances and loaded on Russian trains. After someone made a video about it and it went on the Internet, the bodies were loaded at night so as not to attract attention.’

Officials at Hospital No4 in Homel are alleged to have begun discharging current patients on March 1 because of the sheer number of wounded Russian soldiers to treat.

One resident who was treated in the hospital said: ‘There are so many wounded Russians there – it’s just a horror. Terribly disfigured. It is impossible to listen to their moans throughout the whole hospital.’



Do live in fear with one's garment of social piety:

In medicine, and science more generally, the best evidence comes from experiment. In medicine, our experiments are called randomized control trials (RCTs.)

Of course, important information can sometimes be gleaned from statistical investigations of what has happened naturally, (we call these studies observational rather than experimental) but these are prone to bias and subsequent contradiction. Is it that flossing your teeth halves the risk of heart disease? Or is it that people who don’t floss have other habits that cause heart disease? For decades, the question was argued in medical journals and the popular news media. Experiments show no link, and so the skeptics are validated.

Conversely, it was first determined that cigarettes cause cancer by looking at rates of lung cancer in non-smokers versus smokers. A famous 1950 BMJ paper showed that doctors who smoke were ten to thirty times more likely to die of lung cancer than those who do not. However, it took subsequent animal experimentation to convince the public of the link. It would be unethical to experimentally subject humans to cigarette smoke, but we now have experiments of smoking cessation that show reduced lung cancer in humans. The link has been found to hold at every level of scientific evidence; there really is no room for skepticism.

Overwhelmingly, the skeptics who wait for randomized trials before believing in a medical intervention have been proven right more often. It is only in situations, as with cigarettes, where the correlation is very strong and very dire where I would be tempted to believe otherwise.

A massive RCT of masking called the DANMASK trial investigated the question of whether a person could prevent themselves from getting COVID by wearing a mask in public. It did not show an effect. The study was heavily criticized because it only looked at the personal health effects of personally masking. It did not look at the community-wide effects of asking a whole community to mask.

There have been many observational studies of community masking on COVID-19 transmission in humans. Sadly, after two years of pandemic, there has only been one RCT. The study was performed by researchers from Yale and Stanford in Bangladesh. Fortunately for us, it was monumental in scope, randomizing 300 villages to intensive community masking promotion and 300 villages to the status quo.

The rate of proper mask wearing more than tripled (from 13 to 42 per cent) in the villages randomly assigned to intensive promotion. A total of 340,000 people were studied. We need to take the results very seriously.

They found little to no effect on COVID-19 transmission from the use of cloth masks. They found a small benefit, 11 per cent decrease in transmission, from the use of surgical masks. Surgical masks prevented Covid cases in adults over 50 but showed little effect in adults under 50.

The authors do allow that with universal masking there could have been a greater reduction in transmission, but that doesn’t detract from the fact that cloth masks were of almost no benefit and that where surgical masks were used, age was the determining factor.



To be filed under- WHAT CAN POSSIBLY GO WRONG?:

Decriminalizing heroin and other street drugs is no answer to preventing deaths, Addictions Minister Dr. Carolyn Bennett said yesterday. Legalization of marijuana did not stop users from buying on the black market, said Bennett: “Decriminalization still means people go to the street to get their drugs.”


It is not about personal freedom but personal license.

This is what we pay for.


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