Friday, March 04, 2022

It Was Never About a Virus

I think we all know that by now:

As per usual, the federal government is stubbornly bucking these trends. Federal strictures banning travel and government employment for the unvaccinated remain in place, with no signals whatsoever as to when they will be rescinded. B.C., which has spent much of the pandemic with a comparatively light hand on restrictions, is also holding off any plans on rescinding its proof-of-vaccination program.


Ontario’s chief medical officer of health says the province can anticipate the lifting of mandatory masking requirements by the end of March if the key public health indicators for COVID-19 continue to improve.


Federal public health authorities said Friday that it’s time for Canadians to evaluate their own risks relating to COVID-19 and to make it a personal habit, as the country sees the return of more social and economic activities.


Thanks, Dr. Quack. I know we disappointed you with not knowing how to wear masks but we'll get this right!

It's a stall:

Cabinet is shelving a proposal to force interprovincial truckers to show proof of vaccination. It follows the 24-day Freedom Convoy blockade of Parliament by drivers opposed to a vaccine mandate at the Canada-U.S. border: “Science changes. Lots of things are changing.”



This doesn't sound like something I want to put into my body:

What’s more, the synthetic RNA in the mRNA vaccines contains a nucleotide called methyl-pseudouridine, which your body cannot break down, and the RNA is programmed to trigger maximum protein production. So, we’re looking at completely untested manipulation of RNA.

It is very important to recognize that this is a genetically engineered mRNA for the spike protein. It is not identical to the spike protein mRNA that SARS-Cov-2 produces. It’s been significantly altered to avoid being metabolized by your body.

The spike protein your body produces in response to the COVID-19 vaccine mRNA locks into your ACE2 receptor. This is because the genetically engineered new spike protein has additional prolines inserted that prevent the receptors from properly closing, which then cause you to downregulate ACE2. That’s partially how you end up with problems such as pulmonary hypertension, ventricular heart failure and stroke.

As noted in a 2020 paper, there’s a “pivotal link” between ACE2 deficiency and SARS-CoV-2 infection. People with ACE2 deficiency tend to be more prone to severe COVID-19. The spike protein suppresses ACE2, making the deficiency even worse. According to Seneff, the gene transfer injections essentially do the same thing, and we still don’t know how long the effects last.

Manufacturers initially guessed the synthetic RNA might survive in the human body for about six months. A more recent investigation found the spike protein persisted in recovered COVID patients for 15 months.

This raises the suspicion that the synthetic and more persistent mRNA in the COVID shots may trigger spike protein production for at least as long, and probably longer. What’s more, the number of spike proteins produced by the shots is far greater than what you experience in natural infection.

As explained by Dr. Peter McCullough, this means that after your first shot, your body will produce spike protein for at least 15 months. But, when you get shot No. 2 a few weeks later, that shot will cause spike protein production to go on for 15 months or longer. With shot No. 3 six months after that, you produce spike protein for yet another 15 months.

With regular boosters, you may never rid your body of the spike protein. All the while, it’s wreaking havoc with your biology. McCullough likens it to “a permanent install of an inflammatory protein in the human body,” and inflammation is at the heart of most if not all chronic diseases. There’s simply no possible way for these gene transfer shots to improve public health. They’re going to decimate it.


And no one thought to do any research into this? 

Or cared to?

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