Tuesday, September 19, 2006

O God, Canada...... (groan)

The evacuation of Lebanese-"Canadians" has cost the taxpayers $85 million. Some have suggested expiring or removing the citizenship of said freeloaders but if Canada was plan B for them when Hezbollah was making life miserable for everyone (again!) I don't think that will really bother them (that is until another crisis). No, a more direct and fair approach is needed- bill them. It's only fair to do so. The Japanese have done it. PM Harper can be all Fat Tony on them: I'm afraid I must insist. The taxpayers have been most vocal on the subject of the evacuation money. 'Where is the money? Why aren' you getting the money? Why aren't you getting the money now?', and so on. So, if you please, da money."

That's how it's done.

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