Thursday, February 11, 2010

A Hands-On Birthday Post

Hands on ! Get it?

Never mind.

On the week-end, former Alaska governor Sarah Palin delivered a knock-out speech with only six words scrawled on her her hand to prompt her.

It was seen as "gauche" by the same wags who excuse a lame-duck's use of a teleprompter even when speaking at a grade school. As one capable of witty retort, she wrote "Hi, Mom!" on her left hand the next day.

The wags didn't get it, though they did try to mimic it. But not being clever enough for satire or imitation as flattery, it kind of fell flat.

I only hope my imitation doesn't merit the same ignominious fate.


And if someone doesn't like my tribute, well...


Anonymous said...

Don't forget Homer's notes. Left hand - "Transubstantiation."
Right hand - God : Good.
Devil : Bad"

~Your Brother~

RuralRite said...

You've got strange lifelines on your palm. Were you really born on this planet?

Osumashi Kinyobe said...

I think so.

ruralrite said...

I was making a joke but most hands have an 'M' in them and yours is just straight lines.