Friday, February 12, 2010

Saint Valentine's Day Mellow

Though often the feast of Saint (s) Valentine are overlooked in lieu of candy and chocolate (not that there is anything wrong with chocolate), there are some rather interesting tropes the day inspires.

Here is a brief overview of some of history's great love letters.

Nothing beats this one, though.

Worried that your gesture of flowers won't ever match the Taj Mahal? Well- it won't.

A touching story about a boy and his duck.

Don't know how to say "I love you"? Say it with cats.

Not a lot of people know that Saints Cyril and Methodius- from whom the Cyrillic alphabet derives- also share a feast day with Saint Valentine. Learn how to say "St. Valentine's Day" in Russian.


Anonymous said...

"Not a lot of people know that Saints Cyril and Methodius- from whom the Cyrillic alphabet derives- also share a feast day with Saint Valentine."

I didn't know that. I shall have to remember that in my future discussions with the poor unfortunate souls who believe the Church has chosen to leave people in ignorance. I'll bring it up when I discuss how the Church ushered in a lasting age of literacy of Eastern Europe.

~Your Brother~

Osumashi Kinyobe said...

The Church- indeed, Christianity- has done so much for the Western world, it's not even funny. What have the Druids given us? What of pagan tribes that used to labour under the fatal misconception that painting one's body was alone enough to defeat well-organised troops? I wish silly people would swallow their pride and accept history.

RuralRite said...

The greatest love letter created was the Holy Bible.