Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Why Ezra Levant Is Awesome (Part Two)

(second of a multi-part series)

Mr. Levant's scathing attack on the hypocritical Danny Williams.

Is Mr. Williams willing to fly other Canadians over? After all, he is leaving the land of socialist bliss for the terrible US. Yes, he is able to get better and more prompt treatment there but where is the unified front- the one that says our health care system is better than the American one and that Canadians must love it (or else)?


RuralRite said...

As usual Ezra is right but after waiting in a long line to see a doctor the other day to get the quicky visit, I can't blame him for getting out of Canadian doctor space.

Osumashi Kinyobe said...

I think it is the principle. If Mr. Williams believes he will get better treatment abroad, fine. Don't penalise other Canadians for feeling the same way.