Thursday, May 09, 2013

Same Issue, Same Focus

Another year, another successful March for Life.

One wouldn't know it from the state-funded mouthpiece, CBC, save this article cementing my belief that journalists are hacks, partisan ones, at that:

Anti-abortion movement rebrands, adopts human rights focus

The pro-life movement has always been human rights oriented. The protection of human life in its most vulnerable stages is particularly related to the goal of human rights protection and furtherance. It has been arguing that human life should be respected from conception until natural death and that pragmatic solutions are required to avoid the deliberate ending of it. Pro-lifers have joined picket lines, marched, handed out pamphlets, counselled women, raised funds and life necessities for them and a lot more, much to the deliberate ignorance of the pro-abortion movement which includes a very compliant and partisan media.

The theme of this year's March for Life, which merited scant mention from the CBC, is gendercide, the deliberate elimination of female unborn babies through sex-selection abortions. A common practice among certain ethnic groups, gendercide presents a peculiar dilemma for pro-abortionists and their enablers. On the one hand, they have to admit that culture matters and that the chauvinistic preference of boys over girls not only contradicts liberal Western values but will present various socio-political and demographic problems in the long run. On the other hand, opposition, however minor, to this particular kind of abortion will force pro-abortionists to admit that what they are in favour of is destroying a human life endangered because of outmoded cultural beliefs. It's a vicious circle, unenviable for the rigid thinking of a cultish movement.

CBC's article dutifully frames the narrative of this issue in an intellectually and morally dishonest fashion. Nothing unusual for a news agency that can't decide if Prime Minister Harper is pro-life or pro-abortion in the face of MPs whose mere mention of abortion sets the jittery into panic mode.

From the article:

Politicians, activists and others who want to see limits on abortion are using new arguments to make their case, adopting language usually used by human rights advocates.

Terms like "gendercide" — aborting female fetuses in the hope of having male children instead — and "pre-born rights," as well as stories of women who say they were coerced into ending their pregnancies, are framing the argument against abortion as a human rights issue.
Again, since when was the pro-life movement never about human rights? The inalienable right to life from which all other rights exist seems to escape logical notice just as the practice of sex-selection abortion has. One would think that a practice that can demographically and politically change the country might be of more interest than what political studies scholars believe the direction the pro-life movement is taking. The "re-branding" bent is not just dishonest but is distracting. Sex-selection abortion is just one aspect of an ongoing debate, not a completely new issue altogether.

One might ask what focus the CBC should adopt if it wishes to remain relevant.

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