Friday, September 04, 2020

Why Won't the Liberals Dismiss Anti-Semites In Their Party?

 I think I know why:

With the Liberals trying to falsely accuse some Conservatives of being antisemitic, their lying tactics are backfiring, with Canadians being reminded of how the Liberals continue to coddle antisemitism within their own ranks.

First, there’s the case of Hassan Guillet, a candidate the Liberals repeatedly defended and only removed when the pressure became overwhelming. ...

According to B’nai Brith Canada, Justin Trudeau’s candidate Iqra Khalid continues to associate with known anitsemite Amin El-Maoued, who advocates for violence and discrimination against the Jewish community.

Khalid was forced to apologize last year for giving El-Maoued a certificate of appreciation from Justin Trudeau. At the time Khalid claimed she condemned his antisemitic views.

But we now know her apology was a lie. ...

Look no further than the voters blocks that put these two rancid examples into office.

The Liberals were not kept in the dark about Guillet or Khalid's beliefs nor were the voters.

What does this mean?

It means that the usual voters blocks are no longer needed and whatever it takes to get the newer ones into action, do it.

 Divide and conquer has worked very well for the Liberals.

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