Tuesday, May 10, 2022

It Was Never About A Virus

And we can stop pretending that it was:

A tenth of federal employees contracted Covid despite the highest vaccination rate of any comparable workforce, data show. The Public Health Agency confirmed vaccines offered “imperfect protection” after a few months: “Two doses have a very limited ability to reduce infection and therefore transmission.”


Because the pool of ‘Vulnerable to COVID’ was diluted in the vaccine effective metrics by governments coercing a majority of the population into getting a medical treatment for a virus that 99.9x% of the population would have survived without…the people who were complete assholes to everybody else based on their virtue signalling how many jabs they have, they’ve used this completely moronic logic to try and back up this failed claim.

It’s embarrassing and really stupid.

These same people will continue to claim this same thing, no matter what you try and show them and this follows the same logic from a quote by Jonathan Swift:

“Reasoning will never make a Man correct an ill Opinion, which by Reasoning he never acquired”.

People will always passionately defend a position they’ve taken and feverishly support it and in the case of COVID and Vaccinations, will most likely do so to their demise. Reason being…they don’t want to admit that they were wrong and never want to apologize for being a complete ASSHOLE to those who realized that they were never at risk from COVID and didn’t want to chance the risks that come with each jab of vaccine.

So…to help you escape these arguments, let’s look at how this really plays out.

Right now, in Canada, there is about 50% of the population that has been Boosted - or, fully vaccinated + 1 dose →3 jabs. ...

The overwhelming majority of deaths, which vaccines are supposed to reduce are the absolute highest in the people who have taken the most doses of Vaccines.

The argument is stupid.

And people who still try to make this aren’t using logic to defend the position they’ve gotten themselves into…they are grasping at straws to rationalize why they are better than you are.

The sort of piety only a jab can attest.

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