Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Words? Words? Words.

Never under-estimate the power of a word salad issued forth by a total moron who happens to receive government funding:

Like the report as a whole, the supplied definition of “truthing” contained within is written in a way that makes dissent impossible: It is “the act of stating truths on subject matter considered difficult and/or dangerous knowledge, in contexts of hyper policing, surveilling, and micro-managing of racialized bodies … while simultaneously addressing power relations and injustices which actively interrogate the discomfort, denial, disavowal, erasure, and censure that accompanies truthing the subject-matter.” In other words, to refute a truthing isn’t an act of mere disagreement, but rather a symptom of the truth-denier’s bigotry and intellectual dishonesty.


If I had to guess what this meant, I would suggest that if one disagreed with the screed a moron wrote, one would be a bigot, ergo, public enemy number one.

If I had to guess.

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