Tuesday, July 04, 2023

And the Rest of It

Why does this terrible thing sound so familiar?:

Netherlands programs have euthanized otherwise healthy individuals with autism and intellectual handicaps in recent years, researchers have found. 
Five individuals under the age of 30, who cited autism as a factor in their decision to seek legal euthanasia, are among the cases reviewed by specialists at the U.K.'s Kingston University. 
"Factors directly associated with intellectual disability and/or ASD were the sole cause of suffering described in 21% of cases and a major contributing factor in a further 42% of cases," Kingston University's report on the issue found. 

Oh, another one we can't investigate:

“Ground-penetrating system is one way of looking underneath the ground … it is not an end-all-be-all technology,” she said. Chaput said there are alternate methods to confirm whether the graves are actually present.
Some other ways to confirm the potential graves are through testimonies, historical records and school attendance records of students. Excavation or bringing trained dogs to smell human bones buried in the ground could also help confirm the unmarked graves.
However, Chaput said excavation is against most First Nations’ teachings.
“Most nations believe that once people to laid to rest, you do not disturb them again,” she said. “Although there are cases where it may be unavoidable.”

If the Nazis had claimed such a thing, they would have all walked away free men.

The third night of riots following the untimely death of 17-year-old Nahel M., who was shot dead by police officers during a traffic stop gone wrong, saw a Holocaust memorial site defaced in the Parisian suburb of Nanterre where the shooting occurred.

The Memorial to the Martyrs of Deportation, a monument commemorating Jews and resistance fighters deported during the Second World War, was vandalized with anti-police slogans by rioters on the sidelines of a protest march in remembrance of the slain 17-year-old on the afternoon of Thursday, June 29th, the Brooklyn-based newspaper The Algemeiner reports.

As can be seen from the video and images circulating across social networks, rioters vandalized the monument with spray paint that reads: “Police scum from Saint-Soline to Nanterre—don’t forget or forgive.” Meanwhile, on the façade of a building not far from the monument, the words: “We are going to make you a Shoah”—the Hebrew term for the Holocaust—were also tagged.

They are Christian. That's why:

"Is it because we're Christians that we're being attacked, and the Muslim-controlled state and federal governments do not care to protect us?" — A Christian, reported by Morning Star News, June 1, 2023, Nigeria.

 [A] Muslim bulldozer driver at a construction site, killed his supervisor, a Christian, by crushing him to death. — copticsolidarity.org, May 18, 2023, Egypt.

 Both sides [in the civil war in Sudan] are led by Islamists, "trying to portray themselves to the international community as pro-democracy advocates of religious freedom...." — Morning Star News, May 24, 2023, Sudan.

 "Sudan has been governed by sharia (Islamic law) since 1983, and is one of only a few countries in modern times where the death penalty for apostasy has been carried out." In one such case from 1994, "two Christians from a tribal group that had converted from Islam in the early 1970s were executed by crucifixion." — barnabasaid.org, May 23, 2023, Sudan.

 "I answered him that [the Bible] is a holy book. He... beat me that night and told me that he was punishing me for leaving Islam, and that he will automatically be rewarded in Jannah [paradise] by Allah.... He took me on his vehicle and dumped me inside Queen Elizabeth National Park to be eaten by wild animals." — Morning Star News, May 30, 2023, Uganda.

 "When I was little, Muslim children would spit on the Christian cross and kiss the Islamic crescent moon in front of us. We, the Christian children in the village, were called slaves and cockroaches.... The hatred towards our [Christian] communities may be less visible now, but it is still there. This is because Muslims know that the authorities are behind them.... [O]ne boy taught other Muslim children to say 'kill the infidels.'" — palnws.be, June 28 2023, Turkey.

 A Baby Jesus in a 400-year-old painting had his throat slit with a knife. — Journalistenwatch.com, June 2, 2023, Germany.

 "[T]he extent of attacks on Christian symbols in Central Europe [is significant but suppressed]." — Journalistenwatch.com, June 2, 2023, Germany.

 The heads of the Virgin Mary and Baby Jesus were decapitated from a statue standing in Ajaccio, the capital of the French island which in recent years has taken in Muslim migrants. — corsematin.com, May 23, 2023, Corsica.

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