Monday, July 24, 2023

Was It Something He Said and Did?

It usually is:




Justin Trudeau has been voted Canada’s worst prime minister in the past 55 years by three out of 10 respondents in a new public opinion survey from Research Co.
Published Friday, the opinion survey also found that Trudeau’s father Pierre was preferred as Canada’s best leader, attracting 20 per cent of the vote.

Typical coward:

No one cares what you think at home or abroad, Justin.

Just leave the stage:

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau heaped praise on the European Commission and its formidable first female president Friday as he presented Ursula von der Leyen with the judicial equivalent of the Nobel Peace Prize.

I'm surprised that Justin hasn't cut a deal with his favourite and implacable voters block and left the other Johnny-come-lately irate parents swinging in the wind:

Now, Muslim parents in the U.S. are also angry at Trudeau’s response to their concerns.

“It’s shocking that Trudeau would use the same kind of silly arguments that are being used in the United States,” Kareem Monib, a parent from Maryland, told Fox News. “I’m surprised that they don’t have anything else to say other than to accuse parents who are truly concerned and want to pass on their religious teachings to their kids — to say that that’s right-wing manipulation.”

Monib added Trudeau is either “lying or he’s misinformed.”

No, he is stupid, craven and is thick-headedly stubborn as any unionised schlub screaming at her adolescent charges for not attending a gay naked fest even though it's very clear that they don't dig Big Gay AT ALL.

He does what is old hat to him: divide and demonise (after all, any independent thought MUST be of foreign origin).

He must be shocked that he can't weasel his way out of this the way he used to.



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