Monday, May 10, 2021

And the Rest of It

But you still trade with China:

A bill banning organ transplant tourism has passed the Senate. The bill’s sponsor called it the “culmination of over twelve years of parliamentary work” to outlaw organ trafficking: “It is a violation of the principles of equity, justice and respect for human dignity.”

It's alright when other people do it:

Canadian soldiers complained to their commanders that the Iraqi troops they were training were war criminals who liked to show videos of their atrocities, including executing prisoners and raping a woman to death.


Refugee claimants were asked hurtful and demeaning questions and deprived of their right to fair and impartial hearings, according to a new report that determined eight Canadian adjudicators violated their code of conduct over the past two years.

The report, prepared by the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada (IRB), includes findings that an adjudicator was “blunt and insensitive” when questioning a female refugee claimant who alleged she was raped.

When a handful of crazy people are given a platform, the only way out of it is to remind everyone that we don't give these people sharp objects for a reason:

Birthing-person will never replace mother, regardless of how much people here in the cocoon of the West’s prosperity claw away at every rule and truth of our nature. It is a precarious twilight in which “man” and “woman,” to use the academic vernacular, are contested, problematic — hold for a laugh —  “cisgender-heteronormative” terms.

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They are none of these things. Like mother and father, sister and brother, man and woman, these words are the heart of language itself. The attempt to usurp any of these life-defining words with the ugly and forced argot of academic ideologues is an insulting travesty. And the effort to brand anyone who uses words that have worked since our ancestors came down from the trees is the consummate marriage of arrogance with ignorance.

Combine birthing-person with chest-feeding (for breastfeeding) in this new vocabulary, and you see how hollow and ridiculous this business is. Sensible people should never accommodate the attempt to force people to use words that are forged in an ideological furnace. To control language is to control thought; to control thought is a sin — a sin against human nature and the idea of the individual.


Hear me clearly,” Scott said. “America is not a racist country.” He didn’t say there is no racism in America. Scott himself has encountered racist behaviour and said so. But he refutes the now-widespread belief that racism is America’s defining characteristic. He sternly rebuked those who use race as “a political weapon,” stating “It’s wrong to use our painful past to dishonestly shut down debates in the present.” This was a gauntlet being thrown down with a clang that could be heard across the nation and beyond. Enough with Critical Race Theory (CRT) and the anger, guilt, resentment and divisiveness it breeds, many observers heard Scott saying.

Words matter and the left damn well knows it.

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