Saturday, May 01, 2021

SEE: Canada, Screw-Up, Handle On

It's not just incompetence but cruelty and ulterior motive:

At 6:41 p.m. on Dec. 10, an urgent email went out to families of residents at Tendercare Living Centre.

The long-term-care home warned of an escalating COVID-19 outbreak at the 254-bed facility in the eastern Toronto suburb of Scarborough.

“Residents who have Covid-19 will be moved to the 4th floor on December 11, 2020,” read the email, signed by Francis Martis, executive director and Esther Spencer, director of care.

But residents were never moved to the fourth floor.

By Feb. 1, 2021, the novel coronavirus had infected almost every resident in the home, killing 81.

“We all were scared,” said a personal support worker, whose identity Global News is protecting for fear of workplace reprisal.

”No one was prepared for this magnitude of people dying like that.”



Had the authorities been truly concerned, those patients would have even been moved to a special facility. 


Lee is also a member of C19 Response Coalition, a group that has continued to aid in translating material to Vietnamese, Tagalog and Chinese dialects with the support of federal COVID-19 grants.

He says he understands allocating the grants to grassroots groups working on the ground, but when these groups are already spread thin and don’t have the resources to make the system change, it’s more of a “band-aid solution.”

“They’re giving us money, and we’re having to build a parallel system,” he says, adding that if it’s not going to be integrated at a federal level, it feels like there is no point.


Learning the language of the majority isn't just practical; it is a clear sign that one is vested in the country in which one has chosen to live.


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