Saturday, May 01, 2021

Happy Now?

This Calgary-based company had the audacity not to be in Quebec or in China:

The head of a homegrown company behind a promising COVID-19 vaccine says he's ready to pull his company out of Canada and take its product elsewhere after calls for more substantial federal support went unanswered.

Brad Sorenson, the CEO of Calgary-based Providence Therapeutics, told CBC News he's had enough of the "runaround" from federal and provincial governments and he's working with the company's board of directors to move its operations overseas to focus on developing a vaccine for people in the southern hemisphere.

"I'm moving on, that's where I'm at now. I've prostrated myself at the altar of government in Canada for a year and I've received nothing for it. I'm tired of begging and pleading," Sorenson said.

"I can't tell you how much this pains me. The reality is, I can do more good for the world outside of Canada than I can in."


The legacy of any Liberal government: brain-trust and financial depletion.




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