Sunday, May 16, 2021

Yes, This Actually Happened

Ponder the mental dissonance:

Chinese-Canadians must be free to agree with the Communist Party of China without being “stigmatized,” Senator Yuen Pau Woo (B.C.) said last night. Speaking at a university forum, Woo said he rejected any suggestion patriotic Canadians cannot “hold a view that is remotely aligned with what Beijing might be saying.”


Let that sink in.

Has it sunk in yet?

This China:

Chinese government officials and supporters of the Communist Party of China are increasingly resorting to “threats, bullying and harassment” to intimidate and silence activists in Canada, including those raising concerns about democracy and civil rights in Hong Kong and Beijing’s mistreatment of Uyghurs, Tibetans and Falun Gong practitioners, a new report says.


The Chinese government is building an omnipotent "social credit" system that is meant to rate each citizen's trustworthiness.

By 2020, everyone in China will be enrolled in a vast national database that compiles fiscal and government information, including minor traffic violations, and distils it into a single number ranking each citizen.




Now, one might argue that agreeing with the Chinese sh--hole government is as pro-Canadian as a former prime minister's failure son who admires China's tyranny and how its foreign boot-lickers can skate on virtually anything but I digress ...


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