Tuesday, August 30, 2022

A Rigged Game


Saw @RealAndyLeeShow discovered Pollara, the polling firm who sent a biased "anger index" poll to the Toronto star today is in fact privy council funded.

I dug a bit further, Pollara staff has direct ties to the liberal party & Trudeau's office directly.

This douchebag:

Records show Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s official residence spent more than $12,000 on groceries, dining, a chef and boutique goods in one single month last year.

An Access to Information package obtained by True North gives an inside look into the luxurious lifestyle at the official residence as Canadians struggled to pay their bills or afford basic goods. 

Hundreds of receipts and invoices released by the Privy Council Office (PCO) show that from Mar. 2021 to Sept. 2021, the average monthly cost on groceries and dining for the prime minister’s household reached $7,861. 

Many of the specifics on invoices and receipts were redacted; however, costs and locations were still included. A vast majority of the over 500 pages in documents were for grocery retailers. 

Just months before the last federal election, costs ballooned to an astounding $12,125 in Jul. 2021. Trudeau’s itineraries from that month show the prime minister spending much of his time in Ottawa and parts of Ontario. 

Prior to that, the residence reported a $10,095 bill for food or related expenses in May 2021.

True North spoke to Canadian Taxpayers Federation federal director Franco Terrazano about the expenses.

“This is a ton of money that they’re spending and it’s way more than families are spending on groceries and dining,” Terrazzano wrote in an emailed statement. “Prime Minister Justin Trudeau needs to immediately explain to taxpayers how they’re racking up such a huge bill and what value taxpayers are getting for all that money.”

To wit:

Families in Canada spent an average of $936.40 a month on food costs in 2021. 

$936.40 (average groceries cost per month for a family) x 12 (months) = $11, 236.80 yearly

Even Marie-Antoinette would not suggest that people eat brioche.

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