Saturday, March 31, 2007

Turning a Blind Eye Yet Again

When is the West going to care about this?


I thought so.

Set your faces like flint. Nobody said it would be easy for us.

A Bad Start to Holy Week

Chocolate Jesus.

There are at least two things wrong with this. Not only did this "chocolatier" insult Christ, the Savior of us all, but he used sweet, sweet chocolate to do it. See you in hell, candy-boy.

I have actually seen a photo of this. You can see a picture of this because it's not a cartoon of Mohammed, whom we are never to see if we value our standing consulates, churches, places of business or nuns.

Oh, by the way....

The "artist" is apparently worried about a Catholic "fatwa", whatever that means. If Bill Donahue, the bulldog of the Catholic rights movement, is considered fatwa, then he should consider himself "fatwa-ed".

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Why is This a Discussion?

Muslims wishing to vote in the Quebec election must show their faces.

Why is this a discussion? When I was called to vote, I had to be registered, show up at such-and-such a polling station between certain hours with some form of identification and something with my permanent address on it. I had to be checked off before I could vote. After that, my hand was stamped and I had to leave the premises.

People have to be told that unidentifiable and unregistered residents cannot vote? How much stupidity does Canada have to display at any given moment? At least officials (and only, I believe, due to other residents threatening to come in with other kinds of masks, ect.) realised their gross would-be error and corrected it.

Gear up, Quebec, you dying province, you. This isn't the first fight you'll have on your hands and it certainly won't be the last of "burn, baby, burn" you'll hear.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

The Lowest of the Low

If you need more proof of the kind of scum that should be blown out of their socks, look no further than this.

What is wrong with these people? I swear there must be a ring in hell just for them.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

From the Depths of Randomness Comes More Randomness!

From my current backyard....

Disney's next production could be "The Lion Kim". (It's all alleged, apparently.)

A sample of lunacy from the last Stalinist state in the world. Horrifying, really. What is more horrifying- and mind-boggling- is that their cousins in the south would use them as slave labour. You stand by your family, I suppose.

Number 3 in al-Qaeda's consortium of complete lunacy has confessed to whole number of things, including planning the September 11th attacks. I guess those lamb dinners really paid off in Guantanamo.

An example of how some people should never be teachers simply because they have no freaking idea what they are talking about. I'm sure this "educator" was quick to mention how people are really treated in Muslim countries. Perhaps not. Stoning women to death, rape, jailing of journalists and other acts of extremist terror are not things one brings up in polite society, but it's all justified.

Now for something completely different....

For those of you who haven't, see The Queen. It is one of those movies that, though extremely well-done, will make you leave the theatre in disgust because the whole idea of "emotionally retarded" people leading a country because they think it is God's Will and the people who allow it is repulsive to the intellect. That, and Helen Mirren rocks!

This Saturday is Saint Patrick's Day. Everybody loves Saint Patrick's Day!

I leave you now with hedgehogs massaging a cat.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007


It's good to see someone toe the line- in a good way. This is why Pope Benedict's pronouncements are always good to my ears (or eyes).

Catholics who don't support abortion, gay "marriage" or random divorce and are in a state of grace are free to accept Communion. As the previous Pope, John Paul the Great, and a handful of priests and bishops with guts have said, one must be in a state of grace in order to recieve one of the seven sacraments of the Church. It's in the Catechism. It's a part of the philosophy. Suck it up.

If one does not like it, then they are welcome to use the free will God gave them and leave for a church or religion that is more accomodating to their willy-nilly wishes.

Just saying is all.

God Keep Our Land Glorious and Free

Canada's survival is due to immigration according to this article.

Being a New World country, it has always been dependant on new bodies entering and making a go of it on the second biggest landmass on Earth. Each new person or group of people have added to the country and, when asked, claimed they were Canadian.

Now, Canada is stop A or B for the culturally lazy or confused. One is only a Canadian when it serves a purpose. The older generations, too weak, lazy or unwilling to say or do anything, will soon be in no position to argue. After all, who are we to demand that the new blood speak the official languages, obey local laws or customs, or even ask they give something to the country that has been so good to ignore their lack of etiquette, education or ability to be useful in any way?

This is how a country dies.

What is wrong with asking that someone, to whom a refuge was given, give back something in return? Is it too much to ask that in official circles they speak either English or French (and it's English by a mile) or that they respect local laws and customs even if they are different from what the new body is used to?

The problem is the existing body of Canadians. Multiculturalism, giving sway to the French or any other group that whines enough, failure to perpetuate its own species and the nearly complete lack of common sense and decency are ways in which Canada is circling the drain. Why should new immigrants- however they entered the country- adhere to any laws or principles if Canadians think it is beneath themselves to go to church, marry, obey its own laws, hold fast to its principles or even call themselves Canadian? Canada is a joke because it will not be what it should be- a country. Multiculturalism might make us feel good about hiding our latent racism or the fact that we have no idea where so-and-so is from but it doesn't make for good public policy. Lingua anglia not lingua franca. It's not an ethnophobic statement but a reality. Shacking up might sound cute but really just shows how the respective partners have an inability to be adults and make a commitment. What- the word of law and God are beneath a couple of people who will ultimately separate because one of them is a cat person? Yes, really mature.

Some may smile quietly to themselves that immigrants are keeping the country alive but that is nothing new. Perhaps they should smile when the country is filled with Canadians, not just people who say they are.

Monday, March 12, 2007

Deflection and Denial

It worked for the former Soviet Union and it is working here, too.
The Israelis are the last people the Christians should be worried about. So says this.
How easily we forget or just plain choose not point the finger in the right direction.