Saturday, March 31, 2007

A Bad Start to Holy Week

Chocolate Jesus.

There are at least two things wrong with this. Not only did this "chocolatier" insult Christ, the Savior of us all, but he used sweet, sweet chocolate to do it. See you in hell, candy-boy.

I have actually seen a photo of this. You can see a picture of this because it's not a cartoon of Mohammed, whom we are never to see if we value our standing consulates, churches, places of business or nuns.

Oh, by the way....

The "artist" is apparently worried about a Catholic "fatwa", whatever that means. If Bill Donahue, the bulldog of the Catholic rights movement, is considered fatwa, then he should consider himself "fatwa-ed".


Anonymous said...

I read about this AND saw the picture.
It's just sick. It shouldn't have even been published.

Shutter Bugger said...

Why didn't some Christians set fire to some buildings and threaten to murder the people who did this?

That's how Muslims behaved over the Danish cartoon debacle.