Saturday, March 31, 2007

Turning a Blind Eye Yet Again

When is the West going to care about this?


I thought so.

Set your faces like flint. Nobody said it would be easy for us.


Anonymous said...

So disturbing.
I will never understand what makes these diabolicals tick.
And the scary part is that evil is everywhere, in every country, in every faith, in every socio-economic bracket.
It's frightening.

Anonymous said...

Evil is everywhere but this entry is singling out a particular group. Not every faith or culture is diabolical. How many raging Jews bomb airplanes? How many Christians stone women? Do you see this behaviour in the West? Why do people from Middle Eastern countries flee to Western countries that have Judeo/Christian ethics?

Anonymous said...

OY!!! Not every faith or culture is diabolical?
No, no, "anonymous", you've misunderstood what I was saying.(although I don't see how?)
I don't believe ANY faith or culture to be diabolical as a group.
It is the individuals who perform such evil acts who are demented. And these individuals use their faith as an excuse for their own deranged criminal behaviour.
Not unlike the psychos of the western cultures, who choose to use their "mental illnesses" or "depraved childhoods" as an excuse for their horrendous crimes.
Sick Insane People = Sick Insane Crimes.
It is irrelevant which religion, faith, country, or "cause", drives them to commit these acts.
Evil people have been trying to justify their behaviour since dinasours ruled the earth!

Osumashi Kinyobe said...

I think we have to look at both the ideologies of the people and the philosophy itself. Islam is bent on evil. There can be no other way to describe it. The Koran is based on the life of Mohammed, who condemned those who did not believe in him (even his family), waged war, stole, pillaged, raped and encouraged violence- a legacy we are now dealing with. While we cannot assume everyone, everywhere, is evil, we can use our common sense and what we see to make definite judgments. If only a handful of Muslims were bad, then a rational person would see it as such because it would be so. However, sadly, it is not the case.

Shutter Bugger said...

In Iraq, Muslims slaughter fellow Muslims. Therefore, why should anyone bat an eye when they are killing Christians?

Shutter Bugger said...

Bohemian Mom,

What anonymous was trying to say (though I don't see why you didn't see what she was trying to say) is that the post is about MUSLIMS. Therefore, there is really no reason for you to then state "all religions have evil people". Yes, we KNOW that. But anonymous is pointing out that although all religions have people doing evil things, ISLAM is the only religion that CURRENTLY acts out in ways that are violent and oppressive. Do you get the point?

You are completely wrong to say that a person's religion is irrelevant. That is the most outrageous statement I've ever heard. If you do not understand a person's religion and culture, then you will understand their actions.

Anonymous said...

Yes shutter. Christianity's concept of charity is unprecedented. You need look no further than in your own community to see this: Salvation Army, hospitals, orphanages, academic institutes, etc. During the Tsunami, many predominantly Muslim nations were helped by Western nations. Palestinians flood into Jerusalem hospitals. Many recipients of the Nobel Peace Prize are Jewish and the contributions they have made have helped advance society. Some are enlightened this way due to their faith. Face it; some cultures are about building up and others are about tearing down. Does that make Muslims awful people or less deserving of assistance? No. But one is compelled to wonder why this concept of generosity and charity hasn't affected them to the extent that they too want to extend these same values to others. I wonder then about their faith because it is relevant to their actions or inactions. I know that Christians are challenged to see the face of God in each person and this is why they are charitable.

mani said...

Every faith must deal with evil individuals who cause scandal to that faith. It's important to carefully study and examine the founders of each faith to see what example they left for their followers. Christ's example was always love and forgiveness. The follower can only have such through rejection of sin. Mary Magdelene knew her sin and came to Christ because she knew where to find love and forgiveness. Mohamed's response would be to stone her. Christ's example caused and still causes a scandal to the world.

Shutter Bugger said...

I was reading about this a while back, speaking of the tsunami. There are 22 countries which are considered "Muslim", the majority of which are oil rich. Of those 22 countries only FOUR gave financial aid to the victims of the tsunami. The others did not. Do you know why? Various high-ranking imams said they refused to give--and encouraged their followers not to give--because the people who were victims of the tsunami were "pagans" (they were primarily Hindu) and they were worshipping gods that they believed lived in the ocean (this is true) and that "Allah punished them for their offenses". That's why the majority of these oil rich Muslim countries refused to give--because the victims got what they deserved.

This is absolutely true.

Now, tell me again about other religions that have evil people. Please. Because of course we don't want to seem like we are singling out Muslims.

(rolls @@ eyes)

Osumashi Kinyobe said...

If I may step in....
if Islam has a good and legitimate face then it has not shown it. Therefore, there is no reason for anyone to trust it or its followers. Read the Koran and see what the people at large do. That should be a litmus test for anyone.
Are there bad people in other religions and walks of life? Sure, and I will be more than happy to point them out when the time comes. For now, let's admit that what was written is a problem and not whitewash it or mollify its followers.

Anonymous said...



Islamists have STATED CLEARLY what their intentions are. They have done so boldly and publicly. They have done everything but hold up a sign saying "Are you people DEAF?" Yet people like Bohemian Mom will look the other way and declare that their religion has no bearing on their actions and "all religions have evil people".

Wake me up when the Shintos or the Mormons start screaming "death to America" and beheading little girls on their way to school.