Monday, March 12, 2007

Deflection and Denial

It worked for the former Soviet Union and it is working here, too.
The Israelis are the last people the Christians should be worried about. So says this.
How easily we forget or just plain choose not point the finger in the right direction.

1 comment:

Shutter Bugger said...

I posted an article about Christians fleeing Palestine (and the Middle east in general) a couple months ago on my LJ. What's happening to these people is a PRIME example of dhimmitude. This is how Islam has operated for over a thousand years. The sword has NEVER been the first course of action--remember, they *believe* they are a peaceful religion (even though common sense proves otherwise) and therefore they will give the infidels the chance to convert to Islam by first forcing them into dhimmitude, in the hopes that the infidels will become so tired and oppressed that they just give up. In this way, Muslims are able to get by on a technicality by saying "See, we want peace, not war" and we are expected to believe it because economic and cultural oppression has never been identified as violent. When infidels persist even when subjected to dhimmi status, then Islam brings the sword. At this point the Koran makes the argument that the infidels have forced them into war, by provoking them, by disrespecting Islam, by refusing to accept God's will by submitting to Islam--so then they use "offending Allah" as the ultimate justification for violence against non-Muslims. This is how Muslims get to be both victim and instigator at the same time. "You forced my hand". The Christians in Israel simply cannot bear it anymore. The dhimmitude status is too much to live under. The rest of the world does not understand what this kind of oppression is like. They have NO CLUE.