Saturday, March 24, 2007

Why is This a Discussion?

Muslims wishing to vote in the Quebec election must show their faces.

Why is this a discussion? When I was called to vote, I had to be registered, show up at such-and-such a polling station between certain hours with some form of identification and something with my permanent address on it. I had to be checked off before I could vote. After that, my hand was stamped and I had to leave the premises.

People have to be told that unidentifiable and unregistered residents cannot vote? How much stupidity does Canada have to display at any given moment? At least officials (and only, I believe, due to other residents threatening to come in with other kinds of masks, ect.) realised their gross would-be error and corrected it.

Gear up, Quebec, you dying province, you. This isn't the first fight you'll have on your hands and it certainly won't be the last of "burn, baby, burn" you'll hear.


Anonymous said...

Why would an immigrant, fleeing a country with limited rights, choose a country, go there and not abide by that country's rules? Quebec, as well as the rest of Canada, should have asserted their identity ages ago in order to avoid this fiasco.

Shutter Bugger said...

Answer: Because they want to make western countries just like their own.

Remember: No one made them come to the west, a part of the world they seem to despise. Therefore, they can only be here for one reason.
