Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Common Courtesy

Hugh Jackman, the ever striking actor best known for his role as Wolverine, did what many of us want or try to do when we encounter rudeness: he stopped what he was doing (he was acting on stage at the time) and asked a theatre audience member to turn off his cell phone.

Get this: in the middle of performing a play, he broke out of character and asked the offending person to turn off his cell phone.


How rude some people are when they leave their cell phones on in a theatre or church or anywhere else. How desperate are people to Twitter, text or talk on a cell phone in the middle of a performance, Mass or screening? Just turn the damn thing off.


Anonymous said...

YES! Why didn't he strike them w/his claws!

Unknown said...

I just heard this and I applaud Hugh big time for this.

Osumashi Kinyobe said...
