Thursday, September 24, 2009

Yet Even More Stuff

Canada took the bold move of walking out on Ahmadinejad. What followed was a typical rant from a tyrant whose policies have led to the deaths and imprisonment of innocent people:

"It is no longer acceptable that a small minority would dominate the politics, economy and culture of major parts of the world by its complicated networks, and establish a new form of slavery, and harm the reputation of other nations, even European nations and the U. S., to attain its racist ambitions," he said.

Was Mr. Ahmadinejad referring the theocracy that runs his country? It is truly appalling that he is allowed a platform on which to speak. It says a lot about the UN, the same organisation which failed the Rwandans.

Prime Minister Stephen Harper defended his decision to walk out on Iran:

"That's a decision that the United States and every other country has a right to make, but Canada makes its own decisions on these matters, and we believe strongly that given President Ahmadinejad's . . . just disgraceful insulting declarations denying the Holocaust, there is no way I'm going to permit any official of the government of Canada to be present and give any legitimacy to remarks by a leader like that..."

Ahmadinejad's rant was followed by Gaddafi whose lunatic ramblings won't soon be forgotten.

Obama was overshadowed by Gaddafi yet his speech was filled with empty platitudes of "peace" and "disarmament", a policy dangerous in a time when Iran or North Korea could conceivably make a weapon ready for use.

From the article:

He [Obama] warned he would "never apologize" for defending U.S. interests,
but added he now believed the "interests of nations and peoples are

Yet, Obama has yet to defend his country on virtually anything.

Mr. Obama said past policies had, in part, driven "reflexive
anti-Americanism," and lamented this had "served as an excuse for our collective

Incorrect. How much of the world is defended and/or supported by America yet such sympathy and generosity is met with anger and hypocrisy?

But he pledged his administration was showing a new direction and urged
other countries to help.

"Those who used to chastise America for acting alone in the world
cannot not stand by and wait for America to solve the world's problems," Mr.
Obama said.

How true. In what direction will he steer the world?

"We have sought - in word and deed - a new era of engagement with the world.
Now is the time for all of us to take our share of responsibility for a global
response to global challenges."
Mr. Obama described "four pillars that are fundamental" to America's goals on the world stage: disarmament, peace and security, preservation of the planet, and ensuring equal opportunity in an expanding global economy.

He contradicts himself. With disarmament, the US cannot fix the problems NATO or the EU will not fix. Will China and Russia be reprimanded and punished for their roles in destabilising other countries and pollution? I cannot see that in the near future. Ensuring equal opportunity? Does he mean fair trade? Will China develop a charter for workers' rights? Will companies be made to pay fair prices for coffee or sugar? I'll believe it when I see it.

Sarah Palin (yes, I know I mention her a lot but she's newsworthy) expanded her international repertoire by speaking in Hong Kong, a move called by some as anti-American.

Query: what defines anti-Americanism? In Canada, anti-Americanism is the spearhead of irrational envy and xenophobia. How can someone who hasn't even left their province, let alone visited America or met an American, comment on Americans and their beliefs and habits? This isn't to say there has never been an "ugly American" out there but couldn't that be said about anyone? How many Canadians sew a Canadian flag on their backpacks thinking the world loves them? Nope. Not true. I've seen it. Usually, we're the beige of nationalities. I'd prefer a nice blue but hey, what can one do?

Anyway, one can read her full speech here.

Maybe I missed a point but I couldn't see how it was anti-American. Critical, yes, but anti-American, no. And plenty of valid criticisms and observations. Truly. I didn't agree with her points on China or Islam (yes, I can be critical). Ideology-driven states must be dismantled, not encouraged. Just my thoughts.

And finally, archaeologists have discovered what is claimed to be the biggest Anglo-Saxon horde.

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