Sunday, October 11, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving Day

(pre-steamed seongpyeon, moon-shaped rice confections, for Chu-sok, Korean Thanksgiving)

Enjoy the day and remember to be grateful for all you have, even if it doesn't seem like much.


Duncan Idaho said...

Lucky you. Your Thanksgiving comes early. We have to wait until November. Turkey, corn bread stuffing, cranberry sauce, gravy, pumpkin pie, butter rolls, green bean casserole, jalapeno corn bread, sweet potato pie....since I'm related to a large number of Asians, fresh spring roll (from the Cambodian/Vietnamese side), BBQ pork hombaos (from the Chinese side), grilled chicken, sticky rice and various curries from the Northern Thai side, I'm surprised I'm not 50 pounds overweight from all that food growing up.

Now, the fun thing is to see the American side of the family during Thanksgiving. Seems like the Asian side tries to outdo each other by bringing the weirdest thing for them to eat.

Much hilarity follows.

Osumashi Kinyobe said...

DI, that ALL sounds good. We had apple-sage turkey, stuffing and a pumpkin cheesecake to finish.
This contest to bring the weirdest food might be how haggis got started.


Duncan Idaho said...

"This contest to bring the weirdest food might be how haggis got started."

Think of it as the balance between good and evil. The divine and the profane. The Scotch whiskey and the haggis.

Here's hoistin' a Thomas Kemper root beer in your general direction, north of here.