Thursday, October 15, 2009

The Other Side of China

These pictures were passed along to me.

Below are three photographs of women being executed. Because of the draconian one-child policy in China, women can have only one baby (two under certain circumstances). These women had three children. They are now being executed because of that.

WARNING: these pictures are graphic and disturbing.


Black Mamba said...

Do you have a link for this? I'm curious about the source.

Osumashi Kinyobe said...

Sorry I couldn't answer you sooner. These pictures were forwarded to me by a friend.
Try here:

Osumashi Kinyobe said...

You can also see here:

Black Mamba said...

Horrible stuff. I suppose that goes without saying.

Anonymous said...


Yest they have 8 million herbs and products for the idiot men to have a hard on. There's 100 million women missing in China. Now you know why. I hope their whole filthy culture dies. Of course the men get to get married to someone else and have more kids. makes sense huh?