Thursday, January 28, 2010

Aahhhh, Canada.....

It is rumoured that Obama's catastrophic "Buy American" policy might not affect Canadians after all.

But it seems those fears have been misplaced. Sources within the Obama administration say that an agreement to fix Buy American is close to being concluded and could be announced within days. The President is said to be resolved that future economic growth can only be achieved by boosting exports and keeping markets open, rather than by raising tariff walls.

Because Mr. Obama cannot rely on Congress to pass legislation exempting Canada from Buy American provisions, the complicated deal will rely on the President using his executive power to treat sectors of the Canadian economy as American, by claiming supply chains are so integrated they cannot be separated.

First of all, I don't believe him. However, let us step into this imagination land of "free trade" for a moment. Mr. Obama, who campaigned on cutting off America's most important trade partner, now realises he needs us. Damn right. Given the dire straits he finds himself in, a strong partnership with the second largest and least mad country in the world might pull his political fat out of the fire and make America's toque a littler stronger. Of course, he will have to stick it to another guy but that has been the president's forte for quite some time.

Do you remember when Scott Brown won the Senate seat in Massachusetts? Sure you do. And who helped make that possible? A Canadian did.

Was a Canadian complicit? Republican Scott Brown's stunning victory last week in heavily Democratic Massachusetts rocked the American political landscape, derailing President Obama's health-care agenda and sending the prospect of reform spiralling into uncertainty. But Scott Brown didn't do it alone -- the person behind Brown's upset win is a Canadian named Rob Willington.

Interesting. Mouse skin cells can be turned into neurons.

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