Monday, January 04, 2010

In the New Year

In the new year, the world was assailed by unseasonable warmth and by unseasonable warmth I mean lots of snow and frigid temperatures.

Prior to the new year, the son of a wealthy Nigerian banker tried to take his anger out on 288 people by igniting explosives in his underpants (I daresay he wasn't smart to begin with) but was thwarted. Instead of doing something smart, officials are blaming poverty and creating even longer lines at the airport. The system of idiocy triumphs again.

Embassies are closing down in Yemen because of the Lutherans.

(SIDEBAR: the Lutherans aren't really to blame.)

Yet another attempt on a Danish cartoonist's life is made.

Dogs prove once again that they are awesome.

A great start to a new decade.


RuralRite said...

I haven't had an explosion in my underpants for years. Do you suppose this guy could market his product?

Osumashi Kinyobe said...

Seriously- this guy had the money and the education YET he tries to blow up his bum. Not clever.

RuralRite said...

Proving once again, the intellect can be the whore of the mind.
"Blows up his bum"- That's a funny one.