Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Mid-week Post

So many things to blog about.

It is believed that 100,000 people were killed in an earthquake that struck Haiti on Tuesday afternoon. If you can help, please do (like this organisation here. Hat-tip to Sgt. Lejaune).

Even more sad news: Miep Gies, who helped Anne Frank and her family hide, as passed away.

The ongoing trial of the "Toronto 18" is not so much an example of hare-brained gangsterhood in so much as it is a study in cold remove and deceit. We are seeing the usual white-washing and duping we generally see from Islamist apologists. If the planned attack- as the accused declare- was merely to make a point, then a blog would have done just as well. I don't believe mass casualties were never the intention.

In some sort of lame attempt at equality, Berkley High School is considering scrapping its labs and five science teachers in order to address a race gap. Oh dear. Instead of assessing the actual factors in students' apparent inabilities in this academic arena, it is better to just can dedicated teachers and squash an entire subject. Lovely. Set the bar for mediocrity and ignorance a little lower.

The shocking death of a mother who apparently pushed her infant son out of harm's way serves as a reminder that anyone can be irresponsible behind the wheel of car.

A Vietnamese immigrant is slated to be Canada's first Asian bishop. Fantastic.

Google threatens to pull out of China. The company threatened to shut down their operations in the communist country when they discovered that cyber-attacks were launched against human rights activists. And I should believe this bold threat why?

A rather heart-wrenching article concerning a North Korean teenager's attempts to assimilate in South Korea. I am disgusted that many South Koreans would consider xenophobia as a perfectly valid response to North Koreans' plight. If compassion and general decency won't come naturally to them, then perhaps they should consider what happens when North Korea's totalitarian state collapses and there is a great influx of North Koreans looking for work in Seoul (if not asking why their cousins to the south aren't helping them resurrect their decrepit country). One would hope the South Koreans who behave atrociously to North Koreans will have developed some manners by then. Feeling raw about the Kim dynasty's militarism is one thing; picking on a teenager is quite another.

Sarah Palin has signed on as a contributor for the Fox News channel. If I were Sarah Palin, I would end my segments by putting my feet up on the news desk, lighting a cigar with a one hundred dollar bill I made from selling my book and then muttering something about how damn good this cigar is. Joking aside, whatever pads her resume. I really believe she is deliberately underestimated as a political force by a media virtually unapologetic of its favouritism to a single group or person.

In closing, mellow out with a crazy cat picture.

1 comment:

RuralRite said...

Sarah doesn't sing the feminist songs that the media love to hear.
Funny thing happened though. Sarah's making music for Fox and the rest of the media is going bankrupt.