Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Mid-week Post

Wow. When you fall, you really fall.

Prorogation of parliament is the ending of a session of Parliament. If MacKenzie King, Trudeau, Mulroney and Chretien can prorogue Parliament, why can't Harper? If people don't like it, demand reform when the next session sits.

While those unsung heroes- Hollywood celebrities- patted themselves on the back- I mean- raised money for Haiti, tens of thousands of people marched in Washington. No biggie, apparently.

In South Korea, skywalkers cross Han solo. I'm not making this up.

And now for something mellow...


Anonymous said...

The ability to prorogue parliment is part of Canadian law. Harper didn't get parliment prorogued simply because he wanted to. First the Governor General has to approve it. And well, if it was approved...

Why was it an issue? Because a coalition that wasn't elected wanted it. If proroguing corncerns people as a threat to democracy, why doesn't the coalition?

I love how the idiots of this country loves their ruling system, so long as it does what they want. And when the laws they love don't do what they want, it's flawed.

~Your Brother~

Osumashi Kinyobe said...

What you said.
If prorogation is such a problem, then the previous prime ministers should also have been hung out to dry.