Monday, January 23, 2012

On A Monday

Dragons are cool.

Say hay boke-mahn he pah du say oh, everyone.

The antidote to multiculturalism is promoting Canada’s own intellectual heritage. “Liberal democracy itself is a culture. It’s not some fuzzy idea. It is a culture that emanates through five centuries of historical struggle.” It places “man as the measure of all things” and the liberal struggle is the struggle for individual freedom, he said.

Adding to the “bad logic” that substituted group rights for individual ones was the “bad faith” approach by politicians who saw multiculturalism as a means to gain favour with hyphenated Canadians, Mansur said.

 Professor Mansur hits the nail on the head.

We have been so manipulated by the idea of political multiculturalism that we cannot imagine another way to live. Already in the New World we see how different ethnic and cultural populations retained segments of their former culture all the while adopting a new national identity. In that sense, multiculturalism has worked. Political multiculturalism holds that one can be separate identity whose culture is cosidered of similar if not better value than the host one while maintaining residence in a host country. How does sharia law somehow trump English Common Law? How are the Western/Judeo-Christian values we've come to depend upon insignificant compared to the values of another country one may find discriminatory? Why is  national unity too much to ask for?

Why Ronald Reagan was elected: He stated that the widely promulgated videos showing military attacks on demonstrators and a woman "with the blue brassiere" were all falsified. He said the soldiers were actually helping the woman re-clothe herself with what was provocative attire.

Don't argue with a kingmaker.

Imagine a man who is the equivalent of perhaps 100,000 Osama Bin Ladens in terms of the violence he conducted in his lifetime in the name of religion.

Know that this savage individual had personally beheaded several hundred people and ordered the beheading of many, many more.

Don't take my word for it.  Do your own research and see that he had people tortured.

Know that he ordered people to be stoned for adultery.

Consider that he owned human slaves.

Note that he married a 6 year old girl and consummated the marriage when she was only 9 years old.  According to his own scriptures, he had sex with a child.

Research if you can to verify these facts - that this man invented a religion which he spread by killing people.  He was a warmonger who explicitly ordered his followers to kill Christians, Jews and other non-believers of his "religion of peace".

Note that he left behind a "holy book" which, if taken literally (and it is commanded that this book be taken literally) tells his followers that men are to have dominance over women and that they can "strike" a woman if she disobeys.

Note that where the legal system he created is being practiced in the world, women are punished for being raped - often by being stoned to death or being forced to marry their rapist.

Know that according to this man's invented religious legal system, homosexuals are to be executed by hanging.

Note that most of the religiously inspired acts of terrorism in the world today are done is his name in accordance with the teachings and legacy he left behind.

Look up the word "Al-Insān al-Kāmil" which means that "the person who has reached perfection".  To his 1.67 billion followers in the world today this man is the ideal man….
Take your pulse and see if you are already outraged, not at the information provided thus far, but at the messenger who has presented this information.

Now chose which one of the following options best describes your response:

A) That is sad and heartbreaking and I am outraged that anyone would follow this person.  I am willing to speak out against these and any other injustices in the world today.

B) I heard a Republican say something like this once and all Republicans are bad, therefore you are bad.

C) I don't care because none of this affects me personally. 

D) I care, but I fear alienation from my peers when it comes to saying anything about this.  It seems unfair, but I don't want to risk being judged by others.

E) The person who wrote this blog is a bigot and an Islamophobe who should be banned from Daily Kos.

Now ask yourself, do I have the courage and conviction to stand up for human rights even when so many people in my peer group are inclined to accept the tyranny of this system of violence and even demonize me for taking a stand?

Suspected Boko Haram members took their terrorism to Minna, Niger State as they set ablaze a Christian missionary home, Bethany Home, and destroyed property worth millions of naira.

Although no life was lost in the attack, occupants of the home, mostly orphans and the less-privileged were rendered homeless as a result of the attack.

 Remember- we let them in. They're like vampires:

"I disagree with him, he wants elections with equal right to all, that is not Islamic"

"There is only one alternative...shari3a law...under it all will live with Justice and fairness...for Islam is not a religion of equality..."


Miss Melhem said she was first locked up in a bathroom after she ran away from home when she was 10. Police brought her home, and her father forced her to sign a statement saying she didn’t want to go back to school. Miss Melhem’s parents divorced when she was four years old, and her father received custody.

Miss Melhem is now living with her mother, Maysoun, in an Arab neighborhood of Jerusalem.

When she was taken outside, Miss Melhem said she was blinded by the pale winter sun. It was more sunlight than she had seen in 10 years.

‘Is that the sun? Is that the sun I was dreaming of?’ she said she asked police. Miss Melhem said the sight of so many people startled her. ‘Are those the people I was hearing on the radio?’ she asked the police.

Miss Melhem said her first request, after she was released, was for hard candy – something she had been denied since she was a child. Then she asked to see her mother.

Why do "gender-equity" activists want to eliminate gender? Are they ashamed? I say yes. 

It's okay to be different in your pants, "gender equity" activists. Gaia made you that way.

The real crackpots, ladies and gentlemen:

When Sasha Laxton was born five years ago, his parents decided they wanted to avoid classifying him as either a boy or a girl.

They felt that to do so  was a kind of ‘sexual stereo-typing’ which had to be avoided at all costs.

So instead of referring to their son as a boy, they talked about him as the ‘infant’, and kept his gender secret from all but a few close friends and family until he started school.

Guaranteed to be messed up. Why do these people hate their son so much?

John Robson is awesome. Let us bow our heads and accept this.

Related: the March for Life in Washington is "smaller" than the one in Ottawa, apparently. 

Is it time to rip up the Indian Act? One cyber-scribe says yes. Emphatically so. You may need safety goggles. Or not. It's a passionate plea, is my point.


Anonymous said...

"Why do "gender-equity" activists want to eliminate gender?"

The best way to fix this problem would be to educate the children. Get a tasteful book about the human body, made for children (and by made for children, I mean exactly that, not just a TMI book with childish drawings), and let them read it. They'll figure out what their parents refused to teach them.

Then they be cured of the confusion their parents inflicted on them, and with any luck, develop so much resentment for their parents that they will grow to oppose any other idiots who try to do what their parents did.

~Your Brother~

Osumashi Kinyobe said...

The best way to eliminate this problem is to make these "gender equity" morons so isolated from civilised society that they can't spread their nonsense to children.

Girls will play with dolls and boys will try to poke each other's eyes out. It's a fact of life.