Monday, March 26, 2012

Celebrity Apartheid Week: Coda

Why does Celebrity Apartheid Week matter?

It matters because celebrities- the highest-paid for the least amount of valuable work among us- have somehow replaced traditional exemplars of moral, social and political conscience. That is just sad. How are people who live in mansions and drive expensive foreign-made cars the same as officer-workers who take the bus to work everyday? How are they one of the "common" men? How do the morals of a handful match those who root them in higher laws? Do people whose "carbon footprint" is bigger than most families know more than scientists and other industrial experts?

The banal has become the fascinating. Artifice has attained a value truth could only covet.

Simply, we've given the most vain and vapid among us a place of honour.

Let me know when people who actually change the world are on the front pages of magazines.

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