Monday, November 08, 2021

The Papal Vi$it

It was never about "reconciliation":

The potential $50 million to $100 million cost of a Canadian papal visit isn't far off the amount the Catholic Church still owes residential school survivors, say advocates.

They say that bill — estimated at slightly more than $60 million — must be paid and all documents about the schools disclosed before one dollar is committed to bringing Pope Francis to Canada for an expected apology. One Vatican expert says that's highly unlikely, but survivors say they'll keep pressing.

"That money should go to survivors first. The Vatican is rich. They owe us for what they did," Cote First Nation survivor Madeleine Whitehawk said.

"They have not been honourable. Saying sorry is not enough."


It's going to have to be, my dear.

Did you ask Jean Chretien what he thought?

Needless to say, the Liberals are shocked! SHOCKED! that the Vatican won't pick up the Liberals' hush money guilt fund bills.

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