Tuesday, June 27, 2023

It's the Culture, Stupid

No country or culture is perfect, but clearly there are countries and cultures one would rather live in than not.

In Tim Cook's, The Fight for History, he asks why Canadians are reluctant (and now ignorant) of Canada's fight against Nazism.

Perhaps now we should ask why we are ignorant but still revile why Canada was formed at all:

Double standards on speech and conduct are baked into our current political order. Burning churches and blocking railways are blows in support of social justice, but peacefully protesting vaccine mandates constitutes a public order emergency. Defying pandemic lockdown rules is a threat to public safety when parishioners gather for church services in parking lots, but not when thousands gather for Black Lives Matter marches. The federal government vilifies law abiding gun owners while it eliminates minimum sentences for gun crimes. The hypocrisy of our authorities is no accident. Their choices are deliberate and calculated.

Look what has supplanted a fledging democracy: the kind of thuggery that would be at home in China's Cultural Revolution.


Why don't the Japanese want to watch million-dollar mega-movies from the West when they can watch their own movies made at half the cost?:

Otaka posits one final theory as to why Hollywood’s popularity is fading among the fandom here: Japanese audiences are simply less interested in America.
“Japanese people often visited the United States because of their admiration for Americans. In the 1960s and ’70s, American people lived on a completely different level from Japanese.”
However, he adds that as Japanese living standards rose, the gap shrank.
“Now, young people are not so interested in the U.S.,” he says. “And they call the people who like Hollywood movies ‘otaku’ (nerds). Who could have seen that coming?”

When all you offer is crude entertainment, politics and eye candy, what is there to envy?

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