Tuesday, June 20, 2023

The Trick Is to Make Everyone Serfs


New modelling from the Canada Energy Regulator suggests Canadian oil production will plummet by 2050 if the world achieves its Paris target of net-zero greenhouse gas emissions within that time.

The report, released Tuesday, marks the first time the regulator has presented a long-term outlook for Canadian energy using net-zero as a baseline.

It paints a picture of a dramatically different energy sector, especially if the world is successful in reaching its 2050 climate targets and holding global temperatures to 1.5 degrees Celsius of warming.

In that scenario, in which domestic and global climate policy successfully reduces the world’s emissions to net-zero, the Canada Energy Regulator says global fossil fuel use will drop by 65 per cent from 2021 to 2050.

That would prompt a collapse in global oil prices, to as low as US$35 per barrel by 2030 and US$24 per barrel by 2050, it says.

The report concludes that as a result of these low prices, Canadian crude oil production would fall to 1.2 million barrels per day by 2050, 76 per cent below 2022 levels.


This is not a goal to aspire to.

After all, the serfs may cling to independence:

The most arrogant, blundering government in modern times is fixated on devastating the most essential industry Canada has; on stopping the production of the most essential resource of the modern world. The resource that makes the world work: energy.

Everyday Albertans must be asking themselves, without hope of any reply, “What is it we have done to earn the enmity of this green cabal in Ottawa, so hypnotized by their delusional calling to save the world from global warming that they have now officially given us notice that they want to kill our most productive and central industry? What have we done to be the objects of this economic and political persecution from the stumbling green cabal in Ottawa?”

This latest attempt is not their the first attempt. They gave it a good go in the 1980s, when Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau launched the National Energy Program, the single most hated piece of legislation to hit Alberta in all its history.

And now Trudeau the younger is at it again, with an even more obnoxious, more sustained (pun intended) attack on the same industry. Their latest tool to paper over the carnage from their green policies is the newly announced oxymoron — the sustainable jobs act. The title of the act is a lie. It is not about sustaining jobs. It is about killing jobs.

The jobs the Liberals want to kill are not in Ontario. They are not in Quebec. In fact — and I will get back to the particulars — they are not in Newfoundland. They are, of course — and how could it be otherwise? — in the one time province, now colony of the green Liberal-NDP government, known as Alberta.

The sustainable jobs act, and those backing it — like Labour Minister Seamus O’Regan — are full of misty, vague jabber about creating good jobs and setting up a panel to advise the government. In other words, they don’t have a clue yet themselves — but as everyone knows, panels set up by governments are teams of irreproachable geniuses, overloaded with insight and efficiency, and never yet in the history of all politics has a government panel ever failed to meet its objectives. ...

By the way, when is the “just transition” going to hit Newfoundland? My home of “pine clad hills” and “winter’s stern command” is the other oil-producing province.

Call it an irony if you will, but just a few weeks ago, when Newfoundland was having its annual oil and gas conference, Equinor, the company developing the multi-billion dollar offshore Bay Du Nord project, announced it was being postponed for three years.

The same O’Regan was merciless, calling the announcement “nothing short of sadistic.” What? How can this be? Surely Newfoundland is under the same axe as Alberta. Surely a delay in developing thousands of more pernicious, non-renewable, non-good jobs is a great thing for the new green future the Liberals are imposing by fiat. Not as good from their point of view as outright cancellation, but a welcome step in the “just transition” direction.

But evidently Newfoundland offshore oil gets real backup from the same bunch that’s out to ruin Alberta’s land-based oil. Bad Equinor, says O’Regan. As I say, call it an irony if you wish, but hypocrisy is also available.

Wake up. When done with Alberta, Newfoundland will be the next target for the full elimination of its oil resources. After all, those oil rigs are Satan’s own source of “carbon emissions” and are surely tipping the scale to the warming apocalypse as much as Alberta’s industry.

I don’t suppose the minister from Newfoundland remembers that after the cod collapse, his fellow citizens went to Alberta looking for work and were welcomed in the oilpatch and Fort McMurray, where they earned enough to send money home. Newfoundland, when it was most needed, got immense help and hospitality from Alberta — and from the very industry O’Regan now works to demolish. For the Lord’s sake, show some gratitude.

A government that can’t issue a passport, is slack to the point of negligence on China’s interference in our politics and gives $13-billion subsidies to battery factories now turns its clumsy eyes on a vast and reckless rearrangement of a whole province’s economy. What could possibly go wrong? After all, they are promising good clean jobs. As opposed to, I presume, those non-good, non-clean, non-green jobs we already have.


Needless to say, Alberta and Saskatchewan aren't going along with it

Also - only Marie-Antoinette can waste fuel:

Governor General Mary Simon burned through almost 25,000 litres of jet fuel to deliver a climate change speech in Finland, records show. Simon said the world must “act now” to save the planet: “What we do as stewards of the Arctic both Indigenous and non-Indigenous has a direct impact globally.”


The Inuit rely on food and other essentials flown in from southern parts of Canada.

No sleds are used.


 Trust me - one cannot rely on these batteries: 

“A friend of mine came in and yelled ‘there’s a fire next door,”‘ Belal Alayah, a neighborhood resident, told WABC-TV. “I step out. I see the flames so hot it’s going through the metal gate. I knew it was the bike store, so I called the fire department. But the fire kept getting bigger and bigger and it took them a while to stop the fire.”
Two men and two women died and two other women were hospitalized in critical condition, officials said. A firefighter suffered minor injuries, authorities said.



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