Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Oh, Leftists! The Things You Say!

They all want to make their stands on the stupid rainbow hill:

Premier Blaine Higgs is facing internal dissent and public criticism – but is also getting some plaudits – for his government’s controversial changes to Policy 713, which sets gender rules in New Brunswick’s public schools. The changes include the removal of a reference to all students being able to participate in curricular, co-curricular, and extracurricular activities “consistent with their gender identity,” and the introduction of “private universal changing areas” in all schools. 

Indeed, fifty-seven percent of polled adults in the country feel as the premier feels.

(Insert political cynicism here.)

Predictably, Justin is livid with the idea that parents should be informed about what their under-age children are doing:

Parental rights are now a “far right” political issue, according to Justin Trudeau.  ...
Trudeau’s divisive language comes in the wake of the government of New Brunswick Premier Blaine Higgs making controversial changes to gender rules in the province’s schools. 
One major change is that parental consent would be required for trans or nonbinary students under the age of 16 to change their names or pronouns in school. Higgs, who is facing a revolt from some of his own members about the policy, has defended it as “taking a strong position for families.”  ...
In most of Canada — as documented previously — it is now official policy to keep parents in the dark if children come out as trans to teachers. These guidelines have been brought in by stealth and without discussion with parents. 
Into this highly-charged and emotional debate, where one hopes that balance, nuance, and respect might reign, steps the prime minister. 
“Far-right political actors are trying to outdo themselves with the types of cruelty and isolation they can inflict on these already vulnerable people,” the prime minister said last Thursday as he targeted Higgs’ new policy. 

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“Right now, trans kids in New Brunswick are being told they don’t have the right to be their true selves, that they need to ask permission. Well, trans kids need to feel safe, not targeted by politicians.  
“We have to stand against this. We have to stand up for the freedoms we believe in and continue our work of letting love be louder than hate.”
Trudeau hoisted the flag that celebrates the LGBTQ community today at an event where he was joined by MPs from all political parties, marking the eighth time he has done so since being elected to power in 2015.
The prime minister echoed other speakers in condemning the sharp rise in laws curtailing the rights of transgender people across the United States, warning that similar sentiments exist in Canada.
Trudeau says when the Liberals first raised the Pride flag in 2016, he thought it would become easier to do so over the years, but has since been reminded that “hatred still has a very loud voice.”
He says Canadians have watched as people try to remove books about gender and sexuality in schools, which he says is cruel to children who struggle with questions about their identities or live in homes where such questions are not met with love.
And what are those books, Justin? 
Every time he opens his mouth on the subject, he sounds like a bigger creep.
But he has more pressing things to concern him: does he disappoint one of his chief voters blocks or does he make a deal?:

Think big thoughts, Justin.
Londonderry School has issued a statement after a recent recording of a teacher circulated on social media allegedly denouncing a Muslim student for skipping school to avoid Pride-themed events.
In the nearly two-minute-long audio recording, an unnamed teacher told the Muslim student that it was “unacceptable” that they skipped class to avoid attending Pride-related events.
She began her lecture by saying that there was no complaint from peers when the Muslim holiday Ramadan was acknowledged during school.
“It goes two ways. If you want to be respected for who you are, if you don’t want to suffer prejudice for your religion, your colour of skin or whatever, then you better give it back to people who are different from you. That’s how it works,” said the teacher.
She then refers to a passage of a bill in Uganda, Africa, that punishes “aggravated homosexuality,” homosexual acts committed against children or the disabled.

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Even consensual homosexual acts, which is illegal in Uganda, could now result in life in prison.
The teacher continued her onslaught by saying that if the student didn’t believe in LBGTQ+ rights then “you can’t be Canadian. You don’t belong here.”
Edmonton Public Schools said it is aware of the audio recording and the school and division are taking steps to address the situation.
In a statement, it said that it is unable to provide any further information on the state of the situation due to the division’s legislated privacy obligations.
Last Saturday, Ed Charpentier, the principal of Londonderry School, sent out a letter to parents saying that the views expressed by the teacher are not representative of the school’s values.

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“We know that words matter and they have the ability to bring us together and also to divide us. I want to assure you we are addressing the situation accordingly,” said Charpentier in the letter.
The National Council of Canadian Muslims tweeted about the incident saying that they were “deeply concerned” and said the teacher was engaging in “deeply Islamophobic, inappropriate and harassing behaviour.”
There it is!
Here we have leftists, willfully blind to the less "open" of our global brethren but who are just intolerant, and the more stabby and globally upsetting subset who simply will have none of this.
Show me the universal values in a man stabbing three-year old children in a park. Show me that blowing up a subway train is the pinnacle of human achievement. Show me that burning down a church is the height of humanity. Show me how beheading a young woman for baring her hair is immensely respectful of women. And show me how throwing homosexuals from the tops of buildings -- during Pride month! -- is inclusive.
While one is at it, show me the positive values of leftism and I will show one a civilisation in decline and bloodshed.

I think what he meant to say is that he would gladly not take a punch for anyone:

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