Tuesday, May 07, 2024

Let's Have No More Talk About This Bizarre Cover-Up

Quelle surprise:

Chinese international students may have received “veiled threats” from the People’s Republic of China’s (PRC) consulate and been provided with falsified documents to allow them to vote for Liberal candidate Han Dong’s nomination ahead of the 2019 election, according to a new report.

That’s one example of riding-level foreign interference that “tainted” the 2019 and 2021 federal elections but ultimately did not affect the overall results or the integrity of Canada’s electoral system, according to a first report by the Public Inquiry into Foreign Interference published Friday.
That claim, of course, is utter garbage. 
ANY ballot that should not have been cast has already swayed the election.
There is a reason why voters are registered and must identify themselves.
In a real country, there would be a recall. 
Han Dong will be the fall guy, but Marie-Josee's nephew (in a manner of speaking - the guy who appointed her certainly feels that way) won't be.
Perhaps we should ask the people not allowed to testify for their input.



Her report also points to five countries — China, Russia, India, Pakistan and Iran — who are key threat actors against Canada and details some of their methods used to influence foreign countries.


You don't say.


In order to pretend to do something about a problem the Liberals say does not rig elections, they will pretend to set up a fake foreign agent registry as opposed to jailing or expelling such people:

The federal government tabled a bill on Monday to implement a package of reforms to better combat foreign interference, including the much-awaited foreign agent registry and changes to legislation surrounding Canada’s spy agency.


Cabinet yesterday introduced a long-promised bill to name paid friends of China and other foreign governments. Similar legislation in the United States has unmasked foreign agents for 86 years: “We intend to proceed quickly.”


Does this mean that Chinese police stations will now be shut down?


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