Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Was It Something He Said and Did?

Invariably, yes:



The larger issues aren't Justin's racist faux pas or Butts and Telford but why Canadians tolerate behaviour they would find abhorrent in someone else:

The photos are all black and white, but the troublesome picture showed him wearing dark makeup on his face and hands. In fact, it was blue. He was dressed as Aladdin, from the 1992 Disney animated movie. Though not prime-ministerial, it was not particularly shocking. If it was the only picture, he could have pointed to the context and shrugged it off. But it was not the only picture. In February 2019, when reporters found yearbook pictures of Virginia governor Ralph Northam in blackface and a Ku Klux Klan robe, Trudeau had confided to Butts and Telford that he had also done blackface. “I knew the story was out there, but I had no idea there were so many,” says Butts.
Butts was pushing for the campaign to release the picture and get ahead of the story. “Guys, we’ve got to get this up there or it’s going to come out. And people are like, ‘No, maybe it won’t come out.’ Like, no. It’s coming out.”
One knows what Justin is.
One also knows what Canadians are: shallow, unserious, and willing to follow whatever flag no matter how cringe-worthy it may be.

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