Tuesday, May 28, 2024

No Country For Anyone

Israel is the only country in the world that cannot defend itself without castigation.

It cannot even exist without scorn.

Cases in point:

Egypt altered ceasefire terms before handing agreements to Hamas, three anonymous sources told CNN News in a report published on Tuesday.

According to the report, Egypt changed the details of the deal submitted to the Hamas terrorist organization after it had been signed by Israel and before reaching Hamas. It was also reported that this move led to great anger among Israel, the US, and Qatar against the Egyptians.

One source even claimed that the Egyptians "deceived us all."



Let's reward their rape and murder with a state!:


Let's clarify the matter of the Palestinian state:

Hamas, which governs Gaza by terror, and the now rather disabused but still oppressive Palestinian Authority that governs in the West Bank, could have had their Palestinian state any time in the last 25 years. But that would have required them to accept Israel’s right to exist as a Jewish state, which the Palestinian leadership promised to do at Oslo in 1993 but has never done. It also would have required the reduction of the Palestinian leaders from among the most important political personalities in the world because of the strategic importance of the Middle East, to being merely leaders of another dusty little Middle Eastern country.

 The Palestinian leadership is divided and largely discredited, and even if they were disposed to have substantive discussions towards peace through a two-state solution, there is no serious party Palestinians could put forward at this time as a respectable interlocutor with the Israeli government.


So, who is blocking the tired, unimaginative and impossible state, Justin? Who is that?:

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has accused Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of impeding progress toward a two-state solution between Israel and a Palestinian state, saying Canada “fundamentally” disagrees with his government’s position on achieving peace.


You're not a statesman and you never will be.

The increasingly desperate sock-wearer is trying to play both sides of the electorate knowing that he only needs one part of it, the part that hates Israel and everyone in.

But an illegal vote is STILL a vote.



Canada is failing not just its Jewish community but all of its citizens by fostering hate and violent rhetoric through the inaction of the country’s leadership, former Canadian Armed Forces chief of the Defense Staff Gen. (ret.) Rick Hillier told The Jerusalem Post in an interview on Monday.

The ex-head of the Canadian military said he didn’t go far enough in a May 1 National Post article warning that Ottawa has deserted its Jewish citizens as antisemitism proliferates across the northern country’s cities and academic campuses.

“We didn’t just fail, and are not just failing 400,000 Jewish Canadians; we’re failing 41 million people. And to me, that’s bloody unacceptable,” said Hillier.


Universities are now a leading source of vulgar anti-Semitism, professors yesterday testified at the Commons justice committee. MPs were told campuses “began convulsing with anti-Semitic activity” following the Hamas killing and kidnapping of Jews in Israel last October 7: “Is this all disintegrating?”


Oh, please - Canadians don't even know what Israel is:

For more than a month, anti-Israel protesters have established themselves on university campuses across Canada, but less than one-fifth of Canadians support them, according to a new national poll.

The poll, conducted by Leger for the Association for Canadian Studies, shows that these protesters have the support of just 19 per cent of Canadians, although 21 per cent of people in metro Toronto and 25 per cent in greater Vancouver support the protesters’ aims. The support is dwarfed, however, by the 48 per cent of Canadians who oppose the encampments (including 45 per cent in Toronto and 34 per cent in greater Vancouver). Montrealers, at 49 per cent, are the most vehemently opposed.


Paid for by Canadian taxes:


No one wants to vote for you anyway, you puddle of Hamas-loving slime:

Immigration Minister Marc Miller yesterday said he wants no votes from friends of Israel who equate criticism with anti-Semitism. “I don’t want their vote,” Miller told the Commons immigration committee: “Those people who have that type of thinking, I don’t want their vote.”


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