Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Mid-Week Post

Your middle-of-the-week lemonade ... 

Justin is taking a holiday in Halifax to talk about politics or something:

The Prime Minister and his Cabinet are coming to Halifax.

A Cabinet retreat starts this Sunday in the city, it will last until next Tuesday.

In a release, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says it will focus on their work to strengthen the middle class and grow the economy.

Discussions are also planned on strengthening Canada’s relationship with the United States.


Justin could not define the middle-class, now foundering, in 2015. He is also anticipating a win for the Democrats in November.

In the latter, he will be most disappointed.


The Liberals and their useful comrades use their positions to make themselves rich.

Case in point:

MPs yesterday ridiculed claims Consul Tom Clark needs an $8.8 million Manhattan penthouse to do his job. “Is it a requirement of Mr. Clark’s position as Consul General in New York that he has white Macuba stone floors?” asked Conservative MP Larry Brock (Brantford-Brant, Ont.). “I’m just curious.”


Employment Minister Randy Boissonnault’s former medical supply company won a federal contract while he was in office and co-owned the business.

Elections Canada awarded Global Health Imports (GHI) a contract in January to supply the agency with disposable gloves. At the time, Boissonnault owned a 50 per cent stake in the company.

Generally, ministers are allowed to own shares in a private company while serving in cabinet as long as that company does not obtain federal contracts.

Elections Canada is a non-partisan government agency that administers general elections and byelections, among other duties.

The contract, now posted on the federal government’s public database, is valued at $28,300. It began on Jan. 5 and runs until the end of the year.

Elections Canada confirmed the contract is active, but the agency said it has yet to use it because it has not needed to order disposable gloves.

To date, no payments have been made to GHI, Elections Canada said.

Tory ethics critic Michael Barrett said he intends to refer this information to Canada’s ethics commissioner requesting he look into whether Boissonnault broke conflict of interest laws.

“We need that independent investigation,” he said.

“Randy Boissonnault should not be serving in the federal cabinet if he is found guilty of breaking Canada’s ethics laws.”



With what money?:

International Development Minister Ahmed Hussen says Canada will provide $5.7 million for Ukrainians to meet their basic needs.

Ottawa says it’s maintaining solidarity with Ukraine two-and-a-half years into Russia’s full-scale invasion as Hussen visits Kyiv.




Canada the awful:

The study, entitled “From Exceptional to Routine: The Rise of Euthanasia in Canada,” was released this past week. The shift from exceptional to routine refers to the practice of euthanasia, which has exploded from 1,018 deaths nationally in 2016 to 13,241 in 2022, the last year for which data are available.
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And Canada itself has become exceptional. We have the fastest-growing euthanasia program in the world. We are global leaders in state-sanctioned and administered lethal injections for the sick, the weak, the diminished, the elderly, the vulnerable and the disabled.
When the Trudeau government decided to put Canada at the forefront of this grisly business, it adopted the term “medical assistance in dying.” The acronym “MAiD” has been widely adopted, as if this were just a bit of housekeeping, getting the hospital room cleaned out for the next patient.
The ship has sailed on the nomenclature, but there remains value in objecting.
There is nothing “medical” in MAiD; the healing art of medicine is not being engaged. A service is demanded and provided, in a manner more mercenary than medicinal. The doctor becomes a service dispenser alone, more a mechanical operator than a professional. Death by robot is on the horizon; DIY “suicide pods” have already been developed abroad.
MAiD flatly violates the ancient Hippocratic oathI will give no deadly medicine to anyone if asked, nor offer any such counsel — for the dwindling number who care about that. That is the reason that physicians — especially anesthesiologists — are barred by their code of ethics from taking part in executions. Administering lethal injections is not medicine.
There is no “assistance.” The lethal injectors enter not to assist the patients to do anything, but rather to stop doing altogether. They are accomplices, not assistants.
And there is not, in many cases, anyone “dying.” The initial MAiD requirement for imminent death was abandoned in 2021. Euthanasia has now become death-by-choice, pure and simple.
So call it MAiD, as it seems we must. But I prefer a more accurate, alternative meaning: “mechanistic accomplices in death.”


It is nothing more than a measure for the government to cruelly ration care, for relatives to abandon people to a lonely death (wherein they drown but -having being pharmaceutically paralysed - cannot thrash around and beg for help), and for a society never to look at suffering in the face and accept it.


In what universe is keeping things from parents not only a norm but acceptable?:

Alberta Premier Danielle Smith says her government will introduce legislation on pronouns in schools after classes begin in September.

Smith said the new policy requiring parents to consent before children under 16 can change their names or pronouns in schools will be proposed in the fall legislature session that begins in late October.
“I don’t want to presuppose what the outcome of those deliberations would be, but there will be lots of time to be able to get the policies in place and to implement them, so we have to make sure we have that robust discussion,” Smith told an unrelated news conference on Thursday.

In 2004, there were 5,485 students in charter schools, 18,762 in independent schools, and 6,650 being homeschooled in Alberta. In 2024, these numbers shot up to 12,807 in charter schools, 45,477 in independent schools, and 24,631 being homeschooled in Alberta.

These alternative schools have distinct models the public education system does not replicate. They have gone against popular ideas being pushed in teachers’ colleges and decided to be different. 

It was never about a virus:

Alberta children have been dying for undetermined reasons since the start of the COVID-19 crisis — and the numbers are shocking, according to Canadian doctors speaking out on the matter.

From 2020 to 2022 the 'number of unexplained deaths' among children and adolescents in the province rose by more than 3,000%,” according to data from Alberta Health Services (AHS), the doctors said.  

Dr. Mark Trozzi, emergency medicine expert and practicing physician of 25 years, noted “the actual numbers are still small, but the percentage increase is extremely high.” 

The issue arose when doctors presented their findings at the United Conservative Party-endorsed An Injection of Truth event in June, and asserted the significant uptick in unexplained child deaths could be traced back to the mandatory mRNA injections and the impacts of lockdowns on children’s health.   

Speaking at a press conference at a later date, Calgary-Lougheed UCP Constituency Association President Darrell Komick, who led a panel of five Canadian doctors who had presented at the An Injection of Truth event, said it’s “highly unusual for children in our society to die at all; and it is extremely unusual for them to die and for us to not know why.” 

Worse, as Dr. William Makis told the conference, the office of Chief Medical Officer Deena Hinshaw started removing data on immune system damage in the double-vaccinated until the entire category of vaccine outcomes was deleted by summer 2022.   

Were there a justice system and not a legal one, this chief medical officer would answer for that.


It's called a show trial:

The legal team for “Freedom Convoy” organizer Tamara Lich says she wasn’t part of any conspiracy to break the law when she helped organize a massive protest against pandemic restrictions in Ottawa.
The Crown alleges Lich and another organizer, Chris Barber, were in cahoots to block roads and disrupt locals in a bid to pressure the federal government to drop COVID-19 vaccine mandates in 2022.
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The two are co-accused of mischief, intimidation and counselling others to break the law, and if the Crown’s conspiracy argument holds up, the evidence against one of the organizers would apply to both of them.
Lich’s lawyer Eric Granger says the problem is that the goal they were conspiring to achieve — the lifting of government vaccine mandates and restrictions — is not inherently illegal.


Sue away:

Attorneys have filed a brief on behalf of Alberta businesses detailing a class action lawsuit launched against the provincial government's "unlawful pandemic-era health orders."

The proposed class action brief, as found on the Rath & Company website, seeks compensation for the harms caused by the province. “The shared damage inflicted by the province’s unlawful health orders makes the class action an essential mechanism for justice and systemic issue resolution,” wrote Alberta lawyer Eva Chipiuk on social media. 

Chipiuk said she and her colleagues “uncovered information revealing a stark disparity in how COVID-19 support funds were allocated between the public and private sectors.”

Over three years, the province allocated $13 billion to the public sector, but a mere $700 million to private small businesses — as Chipiuk points out, only 5% of the total funds were allocated to the private sector. 



What a vile creep:

One troubling sign is that he has deep connections to the Chinese Communist Party and is an admirer of the Communist regime. He has traveled to China 30 times on China’s dime. This is the very definition of a fellow traveler. ...

While he criticized the 1989 Tiananmen Square massacre in which 10,000 or more Chinese students were deliberately killed by the Communist regime, he then tried to equate it to Wounded Knee, which happened 150 years ago.

Even more troubling, he was in China during the heyday of China’s now defunct one-child policy, which involved forced, late-term abortions and even infanticide. But instead of condemning it, he did everything in his power to justify it.

The one-child policy was necessary, Walz said, because “the Chinese population was so large.” He also falsely claimed that the only consequence of having more than one child was that “the family pays a tax.”

In fact, throughout the time that Walz was making repeated visits to China, women were being hunted down for the “crime” of being pregnant without permission and were being taking by force to abortion centers. I know. I was there.

Taking a leaf out of China’s book, as governor, Walz overturned a Minnesota law that had made it a crime to force a woman to get an abortion.


I'll just leave this right here:

The medical histories of the dead children of the Shanghai Children’s Welfare Institute, China’s showcase orphanage, read like macabre experiments in human starvation:

Ke Yue, a girl, was admitted to the orphanage in November 1989, the month of her birth. Two and a half years later, on 9 June 1992, orphanage doctors recorded that she had developed “third-degree malnutrition,” was “breathing in shallow gasps.” On 10 June, she was admitted to the Medical Ward, where she died later the same day. Two separate causes of death were diagnosed by her physician, Wu Junfeng: “severe malnutrition” and “congenital maldevelopment of brain.”

Huo Qiu, a girl born in approximately February 1988, arrived at the orphanage on 3 January 1991, at the age of three. One and a half years later, on 16 June 1992, she was diagnosed as suffering from “severe malnutrition” and “cerebral palsy.” A week later, she was dead, According to her medical records, she died of the two illnesses just mentioned, together with, for good measure, “mental deficiency.”

Ba Chong, a baby girl, was admitted to the orphanage on 3 January 1992, the day after her birth, weighing a respectable 2.8 kilograms. On 17 June, she was admitted to the Medical Ward and diagnosed as suffering from “severe malnutrition” and “severe dehydration.” Three days later she developed a head infection caused by a bedsore, and was recorded as being “listless.” She died at 7:10 a.m. on 30 June, at the age of six months. Death was noted in the medical records as having resulted from “malnutrition,” “severe dehydration” and “phlegmona” (an uncontrolled form of subcutaneous necrotic infection).

Sun Zhu, a baby girl born in May 1989, was admitted to the orphanage at the age of one month. Medical staff recorded her general condition on arrival as “poor,” although her weight was normal, and branded her as being “mentally defective.” In late July, after a seven-week gap in the medical records, Sun was suddenly said to be suffering from third-degree malnutrition. Ten days later [Sun] was again diagnosed as being “mentally defective,” and the physician suggested she might also have cerebral palsy, although the only indications were that she was “listless” and had “high muscular tension in all limbs,” probably because she was starving. In any event, no medication or treatment was prescribed, and three days later Sun died, ostensibly of “congenital maldevelopment of brain.”


That must warm the black muscle that Tim calls a heart.



Japan considering consolidating universities because of declining birthrates:

Japanese universities are at a critical juncture as the rapid fall in the number of children nationwide has sparked discussions on the need for consolidation, downsizing, or potential closures.

A task force of the Central Council for Education, which advises the education minister, is currently deliberating the future of universities in response to Japan's low birthrate.

Meanwhile, the Japan Association of National Universities has issued an unprecedented statement, warning that national universities are "facing a critical limit" financially.

The task force has convened monthly since being commissioned by education minister Masahito Moriyama in September last year. In July this year, the panel presented a draft interim report to the central council's university subcommittee. With the draft largely receiving approval, the special committee plans to restart discussions this autumn, aiming to submit a final report to the minister by the end of March next year.

People aged 18, who constitute the majority of university-bound students, totaled approximately 1.1 million last year, a significant decline from the peak of about 2.49 million in 1966. The task force's draft interim report projected that the number of 18-year-olds will continue to decline, reaching around 820,000 by 2040. As a result, the number of university entrants is forecasted to decrease from about 630,000 last year to an estimated 510,000 in 2040.

Reflecting the bleak outlook, the task force emphasized a need for universities to diversify their student bodies by attracting a wider range of individuals, including working adults and international students. The report noted that "maintaining a healthy enrollment scale is unattainable if the current focus on 18-year-olds remains unchanged."


Uh, no.

We'll never get rid of our "students"

Don't fall into the same trap, Japan.

Vaguely related:

A Quebec man is threatening to sue Immigration Minister Marc Miller because the federal department lost his Cuban wife and her son’s sponsorship application file that included copies of passports, tax filings and even birth certificates.

“These errors and boondoggles at Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada are causing not only stress and anxiety to my clients but are also a waste of money, energy and time for Mr. (Yves) Charbonneau and his wife, Mrs. Vega Suarez. The couple lives separately while the sponsorship file is being processed,” reads a letter of demand sent to Miller by lawyer Stéphane Handfield.

Remember that Iraqi Christians were indigenous to the area:

  • August 6 marked the tenth anniversary of "the Black Day," a day indelible to Iraqi Christians as the start of the unrelenting atrocities to which they were subjected on August 6, 2014, ten years ago.

  • On that day, the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) unleashed a jihadi massacre of unprecedented terror, brutally attacking ancient Christian communities across northern Iraq. Villages were overrun, homes and churches looted and destroyed, and countless lives shattered. Christians were murdered, raped and sold into slavery.

  • Even though ISIS has largely been neutralized, the remaining 154,000 Christians [in Iraq] face "very high" levels of persecution.

  • "We stayed in Mosul for 39 days under ISIS control because they initially offered us safety. But then they declared that as Christians and People of the Book, we were infidels. They demanded we either pay the jizya, convert to Islam or face execution." — Saadallah, an elderly Iraqi refugee from Mosul, recalling August 6, 2014.

  • "There are very few NGOs left that focus on our displacement and who continue to provide assistance for Iraqi Refugees; but American FRRME is still on the ground and actively helping." — Nate Breeding, Executive Director of the American Foundation for Relief and Reconciliation in the Middle East, interview with Gatestone, August 5, 2024.



What Israel should be doing:

After October 7, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu “instructed the Mossad to act against the heads of Hamas wherever they are.” In the months since, as mediators try to push Israel and Hamas toward ceasefire in Gaza, many of Israel’s most wanted terrorists have been killed — both from Hamas and from its ally, Hezbollah.

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