Tuesday, August 20, 2024

No Country For Anyone

The despicable bile spewed at the Jews is simply stupefying:

It wasn’t just the world that changed the day Hamas attacked Israel on October 7 last year. The world of British Jews did too, as mutating strains of anti-Semitism worked their way beyond smashed shopfronts and violent protests and into the domestic and everyday. And each witness uses the same expression. The silence was deafening.
“My whole life has changed since October 7,” says Barbara Smith*, 49, from London. “I’ve lost half my friends. I’ve lost my best friend. I don’t know how the situation will ever right itself.”
There are only 287,000 Jews in Britain, the same number as Buddhists but a tiny minority compared to the four million Muslims. There is a new political climate in which – willingly or otherwise – British Jews have become inextricably linked to the state of Israel. Across a scale of opinion that ranges from wishing Israel to be destroyed to opposing Israel’s actions in Gaza, Jewish people are an enemy – supportive of and complicit in the appropriated words “genocide” and “Zionism”.
Stemming from this, some Jews say, is hostility and suspicion that has seeped into every area of their lives, fuelling uncertainty about where it will flare up next, never being sure of the intentions of those with whom they interact daily.

Ottawa Mayor Mark Sutcliffe won’t be attending events organized by Capital Pride after it released a statement “in solidarity with Palestine.”
Sutcliffe disagreed with the stance taken by the group in charge of the major festivities celebrating the 2SLGBTQ+ community in Ottawa from Aug. 17 to Aug. 25.
In a post on social media Thursday, Sutcliffe said he would attend other pride activities, but would not participate in Capital Pride events “unless there is a change in approach.”
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“Ottawa is a kind and welcoming city where everyone should feel included. I’m disappointed that despite conversations with the Jewish community, the board of Capital Pride has chosen to stand behind its original statement that caused significant hurt and distress for many members of the Jewish community,” he wrote on X.
“This decision by the board, days before the start of Pride, has unfortunately created an atmosphere where many now do not feel welcome to participate.”



Some people are the limit:

The US National Security Council denied reports on Wednesday that a high-ranking American security delegation, mediated by Oman, secretly traveled to Tehran to share information in an effort to appease Iran.

The report first originated from a Fox News article, which has since been taken down, citing a report in the Kuwaiti newspaper Al Jarida, which allegedly spoke to an unnamed source in Iran's Supreme National Security Council.


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