Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Stay Classy!

Your discomfort makes great political fodder for you and your merry band of emotionally fragile weirdos:

The abortion debate took a sharp and personal turn this week when Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear made shocking and offensive comments aimed at Republican vice presidential running mate and Ohio Senator J.D. Vance. During an MSNBC interview on Tuesday morning, Beshear harshly criticized Vance's position on abortion, suggesting that perhaps Vance, and others who share his views, needed to personally experience the trauma that rape victims endure to fully comprehend the weight of the laws they support.

Vance did not take the comments lightly and fired back on X, expressing his outrage. "What the hell is this? Why is @AndyBeshearKY wishing that a member of my family would get raped?!? What a disgusting person," Vance tweeted.

Well, he IS a Democrat.

Being a vile, classless buffoon who uses social ills to prop up his soy-boy credentials is what he does best.

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