Tuesday, August 27, 2024

We Don't Have to Trade With China

It's cheated enough!:

Liberal MP Leah Taylor Roy (Aurora-Oak Ridges, Ont.) yesterday had no comment on an affidavit alleging Communist Party agents were hired as Elections Canada poll workers in her riding in the 2021 campaign. Taylor Roy was honoured as a “new local star” at a Chinese Canadian banquet nine days before the election was called: “The name that was given to her is Li Ya Tai Le which has a combined meaning of ‘everything goes smoothly and well.'”


The greatest impact on the policies of the Trudeau government, unquestionably, has been the Liberals’ personal and business relationships with China’s political leadership in the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and the governing Liberals continue to evade inquiries and obfuscate the facts surrounding their involvement with the CCP. It appears with the Trudeau government Canadians will never know of the ties that bind us to China and the undue influence applied by the CCP.

In previous Niagara Independent columns over the last couple of years this author has referred to a top ten list of critical issues that scrupulously tie the Trudeau Liberals with the CCP – issues that have had and continue to have a significant impact on Canada’s reputation within the international community. 

This includes a cover up of the virus research in the Winnipeg lab and link to the genesis of COVID-19; CCP ties to Liberal business network, anchored by Power Corporation; cover up of fraud and interference in the 2019 and 2021 federal elections; Beijing money flowing into the Trudeau Foundation (and Liberals’ riding associations); permitting CCP police stations and agents to operate in Canada; failure to respond to forced labour and human rights violations of the Uyghurs; “mishandling” of foreign intelligence as forwarded by CSIS (which endangered MPs and families); federal investment in China – CCP and Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank; avoidance of establishing a foreign agent registry; and deteriorating national defense leaving arctic territories unprotected to Chinese encroachment.


Canada has a “serious problem” when it comes to foreign interference by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), according to a new study that investigated the regime’s harassment and intimidation of Chinese-Canadians on Canadian soil.
The research, based on a survey conducted by think tank SecondStreet.org, highlighted that most respondents believed they were targeted for their beliefs—specifically, whether they practised the Falun Gong spiritual faith or Christianity, expressed support for Hong Kong, or simply spoke out in favour of democracy.
“Chinese-Canadians shouldn’t have to worry about their homeland’s tyrannical regime while in Canada,” said Dom Lucyk, report author and SecondStreet.org’s communications director, in an Aug. 26 news release.

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