Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Mid-Week Post

In reality, hope is the worst of all evils, because it prolongs man's torments.  - Friedrich Nietzsche

Something I’m sure is lost on this woman. She didn’t really think the Chosen One would help her, did she?

“You shall have no other gods before me.
“You shall not make for yourself a carved image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. You shall not bow down to them or serve them, for I the Lord your God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children to the third and the fourth generation of those who hate me, but showing steadfast love to thousands of those who love me and keep my commandments.
“You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain, for the Lord will not hold him guiltless who takes his name in vain.

"Enjoy your disbelief for a little; indeed, you are of the companions of the Fire."

Iran is planning to build a nuclear bomb with at least triple the force of the bomb that destroyed Hiroshima in World War II, diagrams obtained by the Associated Press indicates. According to AP, the diagrams were first discovered by International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) scientists after an inspection of an Iranian nuclear facility. The document was published by the AP Tuesday after, the news agency said, it was leaked by officials critical of the way the West has been handling the Iran issue.
The diagrams discovered by the IAEA show Iranian scientists calculating the desired "nuclear explosive yield" in a device they were apparently working on. IAEA inspectors described the diagrams in a report, and a senior official who is working with the Geneva-based UN organization confirmed that the diagrams obtained by AP were the same ones mentioned in the report.
The diagrams showed a scientific calculation of the expected yield of a nuclear device, with a maximum force of 50 kilotons, experts who saw the AP diagrams said. There was no possibility that the diagrams referred to a process other than construction of a nuclear weapon, the experts said.

If Iran is indeed designing a nuclear weapon with a 50 kiloton yield, it will be significantly stronger than the bombs that were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan during World War II, which were only 15 kilotons powerful. Nuclear weapons held by the U.S., Russia, and other countries are significantly stronger than a bomb with a 50 kiloton yield.

Canada to oppose statehood for Hamas-controlled Palestinian Authority.

Withdraw from the UN.

Marc Garneau decides to trump Trudeau's run for the leadership of the Liberal Party by being both a former astronaut AND divisive:

Under Prime Minister Stephen Harper, he said, " We have an angry, divisive, intolerant government," that practices the politics of exclusion. The government, he said, wraps itself in the flag, but fails veterans. It ignores scientific evidence, but, he said, he believes in a knowledge-based economy.

Editors at China’s top Communist Party newspaper have been left red faced after declaring North Korean leader Kim Jong Un the 'Sexiest Man Alive'.
The People’s Daily ran a series of striking photos of their neigbouring country’ s young leader to accompany news of the award – a hoax gong handed out by US satirical website The Onion.

'The Onion has named North Korean supreme leader Kim Jong Un as the sexiest man alive  for the year 2012,' declared the paper.

The award is a trademark hoax by the popular Onion website but the heavily tongue in cheek story failed to register a smirk with Chinese editors, who are keen to report positive stories about the hermit leader who runs China's fellow communist neighbours.

Related: truly unbelievable Red Dawn remake brings out the things under the rocks:

The event which occasioned these paeans to The Great Leader was the opening night of Red Dawn, a 1984 action-adventure thriller involving a Soviet invasion of the mainland United States that-much to the chagrin of the director of the original film-is being remade into a would-be blockbuster where the main antagonists are North Korean shock troops. Being a state-barely-where an economy  doesn’t exist and ICBMs are too poorly designed to reach the shores of the United States appears to have its advantages, at least from the perspective of a Hollywood film producer….
Whether the proclivity of newcomers to favor government management of the economy will translate into increased support for The Great, Dear, Omniscient Leader is a matter for future generations to decide, but the spirited crowd of approximately half a dozen devoted communists seemed to be solidly in the corner of Kim Jong-Un and opposed to the shameless political dwarfs behind the cinematic reincarnation of this motion picture.

Yeah, people are stupid.

A North Carolina community college has been accused of violating the First Amendment rights of students after they told a club they could not use the word “Christmas” to promote a Christmas tree sale.

What other holidays in December have nicely-decorated trees?


Take your "Happy Holidays" and shove it. Finally, there's proof that Americans prefer "Merry Christmas."
By a wide margin, 68 percent to 23 percent, Americans prefer stores with signs that say "Merry Christmas" during the Christmas holidays than the more generic and secular "Happy Holidays," according to a new Rasmussen Reports survey.
And in all 34 of the categories the accurate and prominent pollster looks at, "Merry Christmas" was the hands-down winner.
A few examples:
-- Among men, it's 69 percent for "Merry Christmas," compared to 22 percent for "Happy Holidays."
-- Women: 67 percent to 23 percent.
-- Whites: 69 percent to 20 percent.
-- Blacks: 56 percent to 40 percent.
-- Republicans: 86 percent to 8 percent.
-- Democrats: 51 percent to 41 percent.

Christmas- is there nothing it can’t do?

(With thanks to one and many)


Anonymous said...

Did you know the "Red Dawn" remake was originally about a Chinese invasion of the US? In fact, it was scripted, cast and filmed according to that idea.

They decided afterwards that such a movie would hurt sales in China, so they digitally altered all Chinese flags to become North Korea flags.

But they didn't change the cast.

So it's kind of racist on top os it all.

~Your Brother~

Osumashi Kinyobe said...

Racism barely touches it.

I can understand replacing the Chinese with the Soviets but cowing to the Paper Tiger is the limit.

I hope the North Koreans know who is really on their side (HINT: not the ones who shoot them for trying to escape).