Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Numeracy and Literacy Are SO Over-rated

Home-schooling is ever an attractive option:

“(The virus) highlighted two pandemics in our society: one related to the virus itself, and one related to social inequities the virus intensified, like anti-Black racism,” officials say in the preamble to their new lesson plans.

(Sidebar: because only black people were affected by this global house arrest.)

Asked what percentage of Hamilton students are black, board spokesman Shawn McKillop said they are currently conducting a census and have no data at the moment.

However, the latest demographics show that less than 4% of Hamilton’s current population of 579,000 identify as black.


So, this dolt wanted to push a divisive ideology that serves only to infantalise STUDENTS OF OTHER RACES (because "racialized" is a bullsh-- term) but didn't know the student body he would corrupt?

Wow ...


The list of schools and facilities provided below reflects the Committee’s identification of school names with a high (immediate) potential for concern. The list of mascots and other named spaces that reflect consideration for renaming will be referred to the respective school communities for implementation.”

AR Kaufman was a prominent local businessman and philanthropist in the 20th century who was also an advocate of eugenics. As a member of the Eugenics Society of Canada, he advocated for birth control and other measures. 


Eugenics is still a way to weed out people of other races.

But, please, carry on with your decided lack of awareness.

Also - if you truly feel that you have wronged your aboriginal brethren with your mere presence, leave Canada forever and find a country willing to put up with your daddy issues:

Southern's film zeroes in on what ground-penetrating radar cannot detect, such as organic matter, according to one of her interview subjects. She also takes issue with the term "mass graves" and what might have caused people to be buried on the grounds of the former Kamloops Indian Residential School.

She also makes the claim that there's no evidence of a Catholic Church cover-up, insisting that misleading media coverage has led to churches being burned.

Moreover, Southern's documentary insists that there was no "mass grave" and no "genocide" in Kamloops.


But don't take Miss Southern's word for it:

 “There’s no discovery, we knew it was there, it’s a graveyard,” Pierre said. “The fact there are graves inside a graveyard shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone.”

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