Tuesday, November 02, 2021

The Gong Show That is Canada

In progress:

Back to COP26 and its starveling attendance of a mere 38 thousand delegates, all of whom have invulnerability against Covid due to their faith in the impending apocalypse and as witnessed by the waving of vaccine mandates for their meeting.

The Canadian parliament has yet to meet after the most consequential election since 1945, nor has Mr. Trudeau even held a meeting with his own caucus. All this is as it should be. Naturally, big international gatherings like the G20, and especially so sublime a gathering as the world’s environmentalist Sanhedrin in Glasgow, trumps governing in grey Ottawa, opening Parliament, raising the flag, or attending to the non-entities of his compliant backbench. ...

We have a national debt that drowns all record; a deficit that even the Americans might envy. Whole industries have been felled during Covid. Good working people are in tears over businesses they have given years to establish. Energy shortages are threatening the economies of several countries. Inflation is stealing purchasing power from those who have little of it to begin with. Supply chains are broken. The ordinary person is mortgaging the house to fill his truck or selling the truck to pay the mortgage, the pensioner parsing her allowance to get heating oil for the house.

But the Glaswegian salvationists are at hand. They know what’s best for all the world. They are lords of all might and majesty.

They convene after arriving on more than one 400 carbon-free private jets (powered by humungous flocks of hummingbirds with retired seagulls as pilots) to remake the world to fit their specious net-zero fantasies. Being insulated by power and money from the effects of the regime they wish to impose on everyone else, and absolutely careless that it will make life harder for those who already have it hard enough, I suggest the appropriate slogan for COP26 is: Our Virtue Signalling will always trump Your Real Suffering.

The very king, regent and sultan of this kind of careless, unthinking and brutal, attitude is our very own global star, the progressives’ progressive, a prime minister who’s ashamed of his country’s flag, and hauls out a one-time professional Greenpeace protestor to oversee our country’s greatest industry. Sort of like assisted-dying for the Canadian economy. We must extol the inverted genius that took Mr. Guilbeault from anti-oil mania to the cabinet of our national government. It only remains for him to make Elizabeth May his parliamentary secretary, and we can turn out the lights and declare the Liberal party’s brief association with reason officially over.

Canada is now a planet-saving nation, which is so much nobler than a dull Confederation only occasionally concerned with the well-being of its half-flag self.


At this point, the state of the flag is irrelevant.

Canada is not a nation but a vassal state of a global tyrant and placed in the slippery care of a narcissistic nobody whose moral posturing is as empty to him as it is definitely destructive to the Canadian taxpayer.

You never let a snowboarder do an economist's job.

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