Thursday, December 18, 2008

All For Nothing

A controversial Afrocentric school in Toronto has failed to attract the necessary body of students to keep it running. The lack of interest is to blame.

I have to ask why people waste their time on useless ventures that profit others nothing. One fat girl wants to play on a boys' team and when granted to do so, she is hailed a hero for all girls. Yet, no other girls want to play on a boys' team. O victory, where is thy meaning?

The same goes for this proposed school. The era of racial segregation, once deemed as morally repugnant, is being re-introduced by some activists who think that it is the only way shore up sagging grades of black students. At the time of its proposal, the school was maligned by some who felt that separation on racial grounds was not only repulsive but ineffective and hailed by others as a turning point for black education. Despite the brouhaha, the turnout for this proposed school yielded only fifteen interested parties. Quite simply, the parents didn't care.

The cornerstone of any society is the family. If a mother and father raise a child to work hard and nurture his interests, the child will, no doubt, actively pursue proficiency in all that he does. When the child succeeds at something, he will be praised and his self-esteem- the new zenith of the individual- will rise. If the child has parents who care about what goes on at the school (what the teachers are doing, the curriculum, ect.), any problems encountered will be dealt with. A good parent will see which teacher is dedicated and which one was hired for no good reason. A good parent would question the curriculum and approach school board trustees (whose funds depend on parents) with their concerns.

So what happened? If this Afrocentric school was supposed to fix all problems racial and academic, why didn't anyone run, not walk, to enroll?

I suppose some people just didn't care. Any reasons to support the existence of this school became moot due to lack of interest.


Anonymous said...

Never you mind this. What's really important is that we don't segregate by allowing Catholic schools to get government funding, regardless of how many parents would choose to send their children to the schools should they be available, regardless of their background.

~Your Brother~

Osumashi Kinyobe said...

If you ask me, we should start privatising schools. We would start seeing better curricula and a better brand of teachers, not to mention limited governmental and special-interest group interference.