Wednesday, October 02, 2013

Blame Obama

Who has consistently missed budget deadlines, therefore, not passed a budget?


Who has added 6 trillion dollars (USD) to the national debt?


Who presides over a now 7.3% unemployment rate?


Whose holidays cost anywhere from four million dollars to 7.6 million dollars US?


Whose imposed healthcare tax is unpopular with small business owners because of rising costs and taxes, has caused employers to drop employees' spouses, has caused hospital staff layoffs, has raised premiums, will make it more difficult for special-needs children to attend special schools or obtain necessary medical devices and added a tax to medical devices?


Who refused to negotiate with the Republicans?


Who closed off an open-air war memorial to the Greatest Generation (which the RNC paid to keep available), a Korean War memorial, national parks, services and features like the Claude Moore Colonial Farm (even forcing volunteers off the premises) and the Liberty Bell?


And, yes, he promised this would hurt.


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