Monday, April 26, 2021

Imagine A Boot Stamping on Netflix and Youtube Forever

 Are people worried about Goebbels  Guiltbeault's censorship now?:

The Commons heritage committee has voted to regulate YouTube under federal law. The Department of Heritage said YouTube management, not individual users, will be liable for complying with the Broadcasting Act: “The only reason the government is doing this is to stretch the justification of regulating public airwaves into a justification for regulating private viewing.”


Gov’t Will Regulate YouTube – from Blocklock’s


They’ve done this because the head of the CRTC, Ian Scott, CEO, demanded the right to regulate all forms of transmission. Thing is, they can do it when radio spectrum must be controlled as there is a limited supply and to use it requires a large, fixed, transmitter. Not so for Netflix, Youtube, etc. We’ll see how the battle goes. There will be three sides, Netflix/Youtube etc., the governmnet and Canadians.

This coming along with a movement by the government to take their money; but that will probably end up in symbolic payments as long as they do the government’s censoring.



According to Research Chair in Internet and E-Commerce Law at the University of OttawaMichael Geist, the Liberal government is now planning on adding streaming apps to the scope of the proposed Bill C-10, bringing them under CRTC regulation.

The federal government proposed Bill C-10 last fall as an amendment to the Broadcasting Act that would push taxes and regulations on all streaming services on the internet, obligating them to contribute to Canadian content like traditional broadcasters.

(Sidebar: read Michael Geist's article here. It explains that anything put on Youtube is subject to the proposed law.

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